Catwoman - Game Boy Color

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Catwoman (Game Boy Color)
Viewed: 2D Side-on, Scrolling Genre:
Beat 'Em Up
Arcade origin:No
Developer: Kemco Soft. Co.: Kemco
Publishers: Kemco (GB/US/JP)
Released: 1999 (GB)
Unknown (US/JP)
Ratings: 3+


Since the creation of Batman there have been many video game incarnations developed that span a number of genres. But as great as the winged superhero is, some of the series’ super villains are equally as popular. None more so in the male population than the infamous Catwoman, who many will now associate with the beautiful Michelle Pfeiffer. And she now belongs to the title of a next-generation GameBoy game, cleverly called Catwoman.

As a scrolling beat-em-up/platformer, Catwoman is similar to most games in the Batman series. Her abilities, however, show just how different Catwoman can be, as you will soon find out when you begin the game’s first level, Gotham City Museum. To begin with, Catwoman has a unique jumping ability that, as well as allowing her to reach high platforms, lets her bounce from wall to wall. Her cat-fighting skills are also present and come in useful when approaching vicious dogs and police guards. Her special ability includes the use of a whip, with which she can traverse across high ceilings to avoid plummeting to her death below. Levels take place in varied locations, such as warehouses, museums, and city streets. Each stage features an end-of-level boss that must be defeated in order to progress.

Catwoman’s role in this Game Boy Color adventure is not a friendly one by any means, but as the proudest thespian is wont to say, “It’s always more fun to play the villain!” How true.