The Ultimate Sports Quiz - PS2

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The Ultimate Sports Quiz (PS2)
Viewed: 3D Genre:
Media: CD Arcade origin:No
Publishers: Liquid Games (GB)
Released: 21 Oct 2005 (GB)


From British pub quizzes to European game shows, trivia quizzes in their many guises are an unsung international phenomenon. Liquid's latest selection of titles brings a choice of subjects: The Ultimate Music Quiz, The Ultimate Sports Quiz, The Ultimate TV and Film Quiz, and The Ultimate Trivia Quiz, all providing brain-boggling fun for the entire family. Each game features thousands of carefully researched questions, plus trivia, four different modes of play, dozens of combinations of rules variations and difficulty levels that can be tailored to suit different players even within one game. Offering family fun that cuts across age and ability, Liquid’s new games are being designed so that novices and experts can play against each other in perfect harmony. With single-player, multiplayer and team-based options, support for single or multiple controllers (including multitap), it’s pure social gaming for the casual games player.