You've got to be kidding. Hasn't she got something more important than videogames to be worrying about? This kind of publicity for games really pisses me off.
I agree. I am so sick and tired of this bullsh&t. She obviously knows absolutely NOTHING about games. Grand theft Auto is NOT a kid’s game. Kids should not be playing these kinds of games, it’s for ADULTS 18 years of age and older. This makes me so indescribably mad… If a kid’s idiot parents decided to let buy them a ticket to go see Texas Chainsaw massacre doe that mean Hilary should sue the movie studio who clearly advertised it for ADULTS ONLY?? I don’t even like grand theft auto, I think it’s highly over rated, but I'm so sick of people who don’t know what they are talking about making judgment calls on our hobbies.
I think a lot of this also has to do with the fact that america doesn't recognise some video games as adult only entertainment, because all of us educated people all know that GTA series is not for kids. Jumped up cookie baker Miss Clinton should actually do her homework HERSELF instead of chewing and spitting soundbites from her entourage press gang.
American media is the most hyped bs train on the planet. It's designed to scare its public into submision and panic because everything you are told on tv is the new gospel. Because their media lie to them and that's okay. We've had rock and roll and hip hop attacked last century now it's games turn.
Miss Clinton, Rockstar are a talented company. If they choose to make adult themed games like GTA and they are sold with a very clear "mature audiences only" or "18" on them to their target customers kids would not be getting their hands on them to play if parents and guardians did their roles properly. Oh that's right I almost forgot, parents can do no wrong at all can they? You can time their kids by ten.
Agreed. I think its blatantly obvious that Miss.Clinton knows nothing about videogames. She steriotypes them as something only 7 year old kiddies play as something to pass the time on cold winters evenings. Well Miss Clinton, wake up and smell the concrete. Videogames are for ALL people of ALL ages, Including ADULTS. Thats right, ALDULTS. People your age. And therefore, game developers have the right to make games for adults, as they make up a large portion, of the video gaming masses. Therefore, you should research this topic, in fact any topic, before making your comment. Otherwise, you wont last 2 minutes on the political circuit and you will be unpopular to high heaven.So put that in your presidential candidate coffee and drink it. *rant over*
yea.. Im 22 years old myself, I dont want to have problems in the future buying games because of irresponcible parents who buy games like resident evil 4 or grand theft auto for there 12 year old kid.
Im 14 myself, and my parents don't allow me to buy GTA and Resi etc (all 18's are no-no's at the mo, but anything else is fine) which tbh is pretty sensible
Im 14 myself, and my parents don't allow me to buy GTA and Resi etc (all 18's are no-no's at the mo, but anything else is fine) which tbh is pretty sensible
It's nice to see some parents paying attention to the ratings logos on games. You just have to go to any Game in the UK to see parents getting their kids any game they want, just to keep them quiet.
I hope they make a Dawn of the Dead game and make it an 18, just so we can have bundles with the movie and show parents what game ratings mean! Or even better would be a Bluntman and Chronic game that starts with Jay's Rap from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back!
Nah, you're all wrong. Hillary should be going after Rockstar. But not for selling their products to kids. But for selling a piece of garbage like it's hot s*!^. The GTA line is done. Rockstar has proven that by making 2 more that are exactly the same. Every last one of you should be cheering for Hillary to shut them down, just so you don't inadvertantly waste your 50 bucks on buying the same game a 4th time.
speaking as an american... hillary clinton is a bandwagon jumping bitch! That said, i would be soooooo much happier to have her bug filled ass in office than whats currently going on. I doubt she really gives two craps about video game violence and deap down i know she is just doing what she can to try and have a shot in 2008. I personaly dont think this right leaning nonsense is the way to go (havign tippers ass by hi sside certainly didnt help mr. Gore[although he did win])
as for video game violence... i am all for parents takign responsibility for what their kids do, however, and i know this will piss of soem people, reatilers should be required by law to card. Just liek at a movie theater and just liek when they sell cigaretes. And of course porn is kept in a sleave so that all the naught parts are covered or kept in a back room where young people arent aloud to go.
I am all for having video games rated and treated as mature content (when that is the case) but they shoudl be givien the full treatment. The problem here is that if you take a game liek GTA and stick it in a back room behind a curtain it will loose sales. Wal-mart wont carry it. Spme peopel will feel ashamed ggoign in there to buy it. Even stores liek EB woudl feel weird throwing in "the back room". Now i have seen viloence in GTA and th eliek that rivals what was seen in the NC17 robocop. How would you rate that? woudl it just be like an "R" rated film? or do we need an NC-17 style rating thrown int he middle or is GTA full on adult? I know i played any game i wanted for as long as i can rember and was never adversely affected, but i realize soem children with other problems are more suceptable(?) to media manipulation.
ok anyway, hard to summerize this but... Hillary is simply reviwing right now... and i do think some changes need to be made... if we want to be treated like adults we need to accept that are beloved past time will need to be treated the same way. Toys 'r' us doesnt sell showgirls afterall.
Why you associate video games with pornography is beyond me.. video games to me are like movies, only interactive. Its like a story you control, and like rated R movies, I think its appropriate to limit the viewing privleges to adult games, to adults (17 and up or 18, whatever). I dont think people like hilary should make it impossible for games to be harder to buy in certain stores, or ban them in certain places.. if your a parent and you dont want your kid playing GTA, then DONT BUY IT FOR THEM. I think the common misconception is that people think video games are only played by drooling little 10 year olds.. the VAST majority of gamers are adults; kids can’t afford video game systems, and most are too complicated for them, look at the market.. the top selling games are all adult games.. Resident Evil 4, God of War, Grand Theft Auto, Prince of Persia, Splinter cell, Metal Gear solid.. all rated M adult games, when was the last time you saw Elmo’s adventures, or Mary Kate and Ashley in the top 10 list.. you don’t because they are the niche. Kiddy games are the Niche, nobody plays them, because they are ridiculously simple and an insult to anybody’s intelligence.
Clinton is right , just that she dont say that the problem is more from the poor selling control and the advertisment produced by rockstar,
People like Lupos think that Clinton is going to eradicate videogames from the world, , this is not the point LUPOS , dont be afraid, politicians are looking for a hard, protective law for the people younger than 18 , so that this games canot reach their hands.
You've got to be kidding. Hasn't she got something more important than videogames to be worrying about? This kind of publicity for games really pisses me off.
Mmmm... nothing like a kneejerk reaction to an under-researched piece to really encourage the dumb-side.
Read The Speech, which was actually made on March 8th this year, and read it in full. It relates to the report: " Generation M: Media in the Lives of 8 to 18 Year Olds" and videogames are a minor element.
On the off-chance that you're not going to read it in full (and I know you will because you do want to be able to discuss from some sense of reality so that people can't blame videogames for your lack of anger management, short attention span and total acceptance of anything you read at face value), here are the salient paragraphs (that means those few bits that relate to videogames):
"...And parents who work long hours outside the home and single parents, whose time with their children is squeezed by economic pressures, are worried because they don't even know what their children are watching and listening to and playing. So what's a parent to do when at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the children may be at home from school but the parents aren't home from work and they can turn on the TV and both on broadcast and cable stations see a lot of things which the parents wish they wouldn't or wish they were sitting there to try to mediate the meaning of for their children. And probably one of the biggest complaints I've heard is about some of the video games, particularly Grand Theft Auto, which has so many demeaning messages about women and so encourages violent imagination and activities and it scares parents. I mean, if your child, and in the case of the video games, it's still predominantly boys, but you know, they're playing a game that encourages them to have sex with prostitutes and then murder them, you know, that's kind of hard to digest and to figure out what to say, and even to understand how you can shield your particular child from a media environment where all their peers are doing this.
And it is also now the case that more and more, parents are asking, not only do I wonder about the content and what that's doing to my child's emotional psychological development, but what's the process doing? What's all this stimulation doing that is so hard to understand and keep track of?
So I think if we are going to make the health of children a priority, then we have to pay attention to the activities that children engage in every single day. And of course that includes exposure to and involvement with the media. "
Erm.. not quite so unreasonable is it? Mental health; Emotional development; social stimuli; care of society as an holistic entity rather than a game of The Sims.
A little bit more thought out than: "It really pisses me off that they talking about my toyz!"
Arguments based on the sales line "It says it's adults-only on the box" are about as useful as "Well, that kid at Red Lake shouldna orta had a guuuurn! Guuuurns don't keeeel people, peeeeple do!"
Wrong, people armed with ideas backed-up by guns do. There are relationships between ideas and actions. And where do ideas come from? Eh? That's right, from external stimuli.
Arguments based on, "She's picking on our fun! She must be a fascist!" come from the same place as: "They won't let me drink and drive! I drive better with a few beers insida me!" They work well if you're the only person in the world.
Now for the editorialising in the news item - how on earth this can be seen as a move to the "right" or "left" wing is beyond my grasp of the political spectrum. Aside from the fact that all major political parties in western democracies are market-economic rather than class-based, the Right has often been more concerned with libertarianism (everything should be allowed, buyer beware); and the Left with socially constructed control.
GTA is there to make money. That's it. Same reason that Smith And Wesson makes guns. Same reason that thalidomide was sold by Chemie Grünenthal.
Nothing wrong with making money. Of course not. But there is something wrong with any mass of people who don't question how this money is being made.
Why you associate video games with pornography is beyond me...
Dude, maybe it's because the definition of pornograpphy is [content] likelly to deprave. And games like Manhunter, GTA and The Punisher probably do deprave. They objectify human life, and give rewards for ending it. They make thinkable what should be unthinkable, the act of extinguishing a human life by volition. Murder is so objectionable, so basic a breach of human rights, that it should be villified in all cultural and artistic endeavours. Murderers should be cast so far from society that no-one would ever contemplate the act. Instead movies and video games glorify the act.
video games to me are like movies, only interactive. Its like a story you control, and like rated R movies, I think its appropriate to limit the viewing privleges to adult games, to adults (17 and up or 18, whatever).
That's a nice, intellectual, middle class opinion. But the reality is, there are as many people out there incapable of drawing the distinction between fiction and reality as there are those who can.
if your a parent and you dont want your kid playing GTA, then DONT BUY IT FOR THEM.
No matter how large you print the number 18 on the box, it won't stop underage people paying games. Their (useless, scumbag low-life) parents even condone the activity - because it keeps the kids quiet. The (evil, scumbag low-life) stores will keep selling them to kids because there are no real penalties for doing so, but there are real profits. And because the people who own those stoores (not the manager, but the CEOs and institutional shareholders) are safe in their gated communities - far from the inner cities - and they aren't the ones getting shot or knifed.
I think the common misconception is that people think video games are only played by drooling little 10 year olds.. the VAST majority of gamers are adults;
Dude. They are not. You are an adult, and so are your friends, and none of you are old enough to have kids yet - so you adopt a solipsistic perpective. But the reality is, most gamers are under 18, and most games sell to these people. Once you reach 18, there are all sorts of oother activities that start to make a draw on your time, and you need to put some work in on your other joystick. So while there are many adult games, most games sell to minors. It's a fact.
kids can’t afford video game systems, and most are too complicated for them
Arrogant bullcrap. I know a bunch of 15 year olds who will beat you, hands down, at ANY game you care to name.
the top selling games are all adult games.. Resident Evil 4, God of War, Grand Theft Auto, Prince of Persia, Splinter cell, Metal Gear solid.. all rated M adult games, when was the last time you saw Elmo’s adventures, or Mary Kate and Ashley in the top 10 list.
Those kids games don't chart, because all the kids are playing the 18 (M) games you named. Later, they'll be dealing drugs and mugging you. Enjoy.
yea.. Im 22 years old myself, I dont want to have problems in the future buying games because of irresponcible parents who buy games like resident evil 4 or grand theft auto for there 12 year old kid.
I'm not surprised Resi 4 was given an 18 Cert, but I wouldn't put it in the same category as GTA. It's got some mild swearing, but in no way does it try to simulate certain violent aspects of society. It has blood effects, but they're very OTT Anime-stylee.
If I had a 14 year-old child, GTA would be out of bounds until, perhaps, 16 (depending on his/her maturity), but I'd have no problems with Resit 4.