we got 1-2-3-4 PGR from bizarre, 5 onwards new team = new ideas and hopefully stopping the franchise getting stale, and a new bizzare racing game can only be good.
i consider MSR better to PGR 1, PGR1 was originally going to be a Port of MSR or MSR2 but bizzare took advantage of the new hardware so really thats why it was so simlar, but i think they would want to do something fresh this time, you can see from the previews of PGR4 that they are trying to change the game somehow, if though they go down the line of using PGR theme of racing i would like to see what MSR was origanally going to be like, with traffic and what the Kudos system was orginally explained to be back on the dreamcast, i also liked how MSR had fun vehicles to win, like taxis from each city and so on,
do you also remember that Microsoft was rumored to be buying Sega and rumor to make the XBOX backwards compatable with Dreamcast, that would of been cool.
Yeah, how about BC resurrect the MSR brand for other platforms? After all, "Project Gotham" was just a working title that, having picked buy-in following massive pre-release hype, ended up sticking.
I've always found PGR's concept fairly repulsive...Kudos are an abomination...that PGR rather than Forza has been the signaturee racing series for Xbox has always annoyed me...seeing what looks like a stupid bike trick on the commercial just makes me sad. Better MS just lets the series die and makes the next Forza the premier online racing experience. Make a bunch of *retch* city tracks availible for download for Forza so I can not download them and call that "Project Gotham". Mebbe add a drift mode in the next iteration (actually people are already drifing in Forza....but they use actual human judges....much cooler than a dedicated mode if you ask me)
But I am the first to admit that my reasons are mostly irrational...oh well at least im not such a PGR hating mindless robot that I seek out every news item related to it and make sure that I get the first post in. If I did that I really be a tool.
Which part didn't you understand? I thought I was quite clear. I can expand upon the theme if you'd like...paragraphs about why Kudos and city tracks are teh suck are yours for the asking.
The Kudos System in PGR is the back bone of the game?... if you take that away, you just have another racer???, i suggest if you dont like this, you stop playing, put something else on & move along.
See above where I wished death on the series...nowhere am I unclear on this point. I resent that it is seen as MS' flagship racing game, I resent every dollar and manhour spent on PGR that could have been spent making Forza better. If PGR was a 3rd party game I don't think I'd care quite so much. Its still a lousy idea from my perspective on several different levels. The two things I hate the most are as you say, the backbone of the series, its raison d'etre. The Kudos system and driving supercars on city streets.
The Kudos system because anything in a racing game that supercedes winning the race is lame. City tracks because the last place I want to drive a car is New York. I'm not from a city, I do not particularly care for them, driving around in a realistic fascimile of one in a fast car doesn't do anything special for me. I'll prolly play it, but mostly online, and probably exclusively at Nurburgring, but I won't like it much.
See above where I wished death on the series...nowhere am I unclear on this point. I resent that it is seen as MS' flagship racing game, I resent every dollar and manhour spent on PGR that could have been spent making Forza better. If PGR was a 3rd party game I don't think I'd care quite so much.
as far as i'm aware Bizarre Creations are not owned by Microsoft in any way - ergo its a 3rd party development
Well, if you read the article, you'll see that while Bizarre is not now, nor was it owned by MS, the actual game franchise is wholly owned by MS. Therefore MS has creative control, therefore its a first party title. It also got full AAA first party treatment as far as marketing and promotion.
Its good to know that PGR4 got awesome reviews!