Galaxy Is Fastest Selling Mario Game Ever

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Topic started: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 13:47
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Joined 15 Aug 2006
Wed, 21 Nov 2007 13:47
I have no idea why soo many people like this game, I watched this game being played and it was absolutly rubbish.

This attachment that many have for Mario I will never understand just a fat plumber that apparently can now run as fast as Sonic thanks to the new Mario and Sonic at the olympics and this.

With Zelda I can understand, I played a couple of titles and can see the interest but Mario? Oh come on!

Nintendo have minted the Mario name a lot and it wont be long before the only type of game on a Nintendo system is MARIO.
Joined 14 Oct 2004
Wed, 21 Nov 2007 13:56
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
I have no idea why soo many people like this game, I watched this game being played...

Oh dear...
Joined 16 Oct 2007
Wed, 21 Nov 2007 14:06
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
I have no idea why soo many people like this game

Do you know, I actually agree. I can't rationally explain why this game is so captivatingly fantastic, but I can certainly understand it. I can barely bring myself to put the game down when it's time to do something else; the "drawn-in" factor is astonishing.

I don't expect you to ever get that, Saiyan. I have friends who irrationally dislike Mario, too. I, personally, absolutely hate Bruce Forsyth, but I know loads of people really like him. And, much as if Brucey wrote the greatest theatrical play in all human history I would be stuck on the sidelines saying "meh", I know plenty of people will never get the same experience from Galaxy that I have. I guess you've earned my pity, there.
Joined 19 Jul 2006
Wed, 21 Nov 2007 14:13
Well, speaking as someone who spent his early years with SEGA consoles, I don't hold the oodles of affection for Mario that many hereabouts do.

In fact, one of my earliest memories of the character is reading a SEGA Power article comparing Sonic to Mario and shouting "right on!" at the page as they slated the tubby plumber.

That said, I've given Mario Galaxy the title of 'Game most likely to deprive me of sleep since Twilight Princess'. I really find it a joy to play.
Joined 10 May 2006
Wed, 21 Nov 2007 14:18
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
I have no idea why soo many people like this game, I watched this game being played and it was absolutly rubbish.

This attachment that many have for Mario I will never understand just a fat plumber that apparently can now run as fast as Sonic thanks to the new Mario and Sonic at the olympics and this.

I think that's basically part of the problem, you watched it. Your comments about him being a fat plumber just mark you out as superficial. As if Mario games were ever about identification with a character.

Wed, 21 Nov 2007 14:18
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
I have no idea why soo many people like this game, I watched this game being played and it was absolutly rubbish.

I believe the clue is in your first sentence. You are supposed to get the enjoyment from a game by playing it, not watching it. Films are made to be watched. Games are made to be played. Try giving it a go then post your opinion on the gameplay ;)
Joined 15 Aug 2006
Wed, 21 Nov 2007 15:12
James wrote:
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
I have no idea why soo many people like this game, I watched this game being played and it was absolutly rubbish.

I believe the clue is in your first sentence. You are supposed to get the enjoyment from a game by playing it, not watching it. Films are made to be watched. Games are made to be played. Try giving it a go then post your opinion on the gameplay ;)

I have no intention of ever playing this, I hate Mario full stop, I am a Sonic fan even though Sega have totally ruined the franchise and the good name that is Sonic The Hedgehog.
Joined 23 Sep 2005
Wed, 21 Nov 2007 15:29
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
I have no idea why soo many people like this game, I watched this game being played and it was absolutly rubbish.

This attachment that many have for Mario I will never understand just a fat plumber that apparently can now run as fast as Sonic thanks to the new Mario and Sonic at the olympics and this.

With Zelda I can understand, I played a couple of titles and can see the interest but Mario? Oh come on! why you saying this mario is NINTENDO like sonic is sega or michelin man is michelin with out there icons thay dont work and yes link is nintendo but its not as nintendo as mario my qestion to you is when did you start gaming as you are sounding like a sony sort of person
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Wed, 21 Nov 2007 16:44
So SuperSaiyan will kill himself when he finds out that best Sonic game of the last decade will be made by Nintendo and won't be a Sonic-game to begin with? (aka Super Smash Brothers Brawl)

Please? Kill yourself then? Your Sonic fanboyism demands it! You cannot deny it!
Wed, 21 Nov 2007 17:47
Haha, that has to be simultaneously, the most hilarious and retarded thing I've ever read in my life, "I've WATCHED this game and its rubbish" I mean, any game can look rubbish, someone could watch Final Fantasy VII or Ocarina of Time being played and say it looks rubbish, but playing it something else, and as someone whos a completely neutral lover of all games, Super Mario Galaxy is potentially one of the best games of all time, the superb level design, excellent physics, its all just amazing, the only drawback from this title is length, its relatively short in terms of how long it takes to get 60 stars and then all 120 stars...

As far as fanboys go, fanboyism is one of the most retarded things ever concieved by the narrow minded, why the hell does anyone have to argue why any one thing is better than some thing else? Everyone has their own personal tastes, I prefered Sonic way back in the 8-bit era over Mario, but sonic died the day Sonic 3D hit the shelves...
Joined 18 Oct 2004
Wed, 21 Nov 2007 19:06
Wow... i have to go check if my brain is still intact after reading that...

lol, i've seen some insecure fanboys, but this one takes the cake.
Joined 6 Dec 2006
Wed, 21 Nov 2007 19:31
and there ya go.
Joined 20 Apr 2007
Wed, 21 Nov 2007 21:01
Hey asshole, PLAY the game don't WATCH it... goddamn retard.
Joined 6 Apr 2004
Wed, 21 Nov 2007 22:19
Whereas this is the single most retarded thing i've ever read "i watched a game being played so therefor it's not good". No doubt you just watched it on the adverts or something?

I have to jump up and state that after putting a fair amount of gameplay in.. i'm gonna have to risk upsetting people here and say i quite honestly preferred sunshine.

Sunshine had better variety of levels, more challenge, more exploration, and even better graphics (imho). Galaxy feels like "mario light".

I'm also not a huge fan of the controls (ESPECIALLY that god awful stingray surfing section! Man how i wished i could've changed the controls back to the analogue stick for that section!)
Joined 15 Aug 2006
Thu, 22 Nov 2007 12:09
Whilst it might have sounded retarded to you it didnt from where I was sitting...And that was when I was watching the game being played on the television it wasnt a clip, it wasnt an ad it was the actual game being played and it was on where they interviewed on of the Japanese guys behind the game.
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