i doubt we will see a gba2 on e3 this year. on the other hand, i think that this "gba2" that has been rumoured is actually ds sp. i think that nintendo will show us the new looks of the ds. me like =)
I was suppoed to say "I am really looking forward" to Nintendo's E3 - somehow a 'not' got in there.
It should be excellent, especialy if Nintendo can show some much exciting kit that it blows Sony/M$ out of the water.
I think this is one of Nintendo's last chances to rechaim the market. Let's hope they start fighting. Innovative but powerful consoles, a selection of games including 'adult' titles, a real push for third parties and advertising is what Nintendo need.
Nintendo has to first break the ultra awfull marketing Sony did on them back in the day about them being a kiddie system, and also get people to realize that games are not here to be judged soley on their graphics and maturity rating, games are here to be games and that means having fun. You say to me no man it has to have a deap story but that has little to do with the rating or graphics, think to your self who doesn't like playing cards some times or even bust a move; where is the story or maturity rating their. Sure some games require a story to really engage you into them but first of all they have to find a way to make it fun and easy to play, then adding the story simply is like hey this is real interesting and fun and that makes a great gaming experience.
To be perfectly fair, I don't think Sony had anything to do with Nintendo being labelled as a "kiddie" system. It was Nintendo themselves, trying to capitalize on their record of good, squeaky clean, fun games by marketing THEMSELVES as the "kid-safe", more affordable console that parents could feel good about buying for thier young children (I know several parents who bought GCs for their kids for this very reason). It may have worked too well. Then they made a very obvious and transparent effort to distance themselves from the same idea. (at least Stateside, the commercials at the time practically screamed "We are NOT a kiddie system!!!" Implied was that if you didn't take it back they would hold thier breath until the GC turned purple...wait, nvm) And people believed them about as much as anyone believed Bill Gates when he said (and I always picture him doing Arnold Schwartzenegger from Kindergarden Cop) "It's not a computer."
I mean I don't recall Sony ever running any "negative" ads or anything about the Game Cube. I do recall Ninty going after parents. It wasn't a bad strategy, but they saw alla the money going into Sony's pockets and decided they didn't want to be known as "kid-safe" after all.
I dunno the way you said it made it seem like some vast Sony-wing conspiracy to keep a 'Cube down, yo. I think they lost more sales with the dumbass proprietary disc format than anything.
I dunno the way you said it made it seem like some vast Sony-wing conspiracy to keep a 'Cube down, yo. I think they lost more sales with the dumbass proprietary disc format than anything.
That the same dumb-ass format that means there's pretty much no piracy on Cube?
Its also the same dumbass format that means no DVD playback and it looks like a toy. I didn't think piracy was that rampant on the PS2, correct me if I'm wrong...
They woulda sold a lot more 'cubes earlier in the cycle (and at a higher price point) if it played DVDs. As earlier in the cycle DVD players werent quite so cheap or ubiquitous.
Its also the same dumbass format that means no DVD playback and it looks like a toy. I didn't think piracy was that rampant on the PS2, correct me if I'm wrong...
They woulda sold a lot more 'cubes earlier in the cycle (and at a higher price point) if it played DVDs. As earlier in the cycle DVD players werent quite so cheap or ubiquitous.
Man, PS2 piracy is a huge problem. Rampant, even. In the UK it's now illegal to chip consoles. However, by the time this came into force, a huge number of people had chipped machines - and it wasn't to play imported title, I can tell you.
Now, GC has next to no piracy, but with it's f**ktard format this means that it wasn't a contender in the console-as-DVD-player battle. Would you rather have little piracy, or have a much larger user base that places your machine as a real contender to PS2 and Xbox? After all, I'd argue that the out-of-the-box DVD player feature of PS2 was Sony's master stroke. Microsoft f**ked up big time by making owners buy an add-on to watch DVD. Doubt it'll do this with the 360.
wow, I didn't think that PS2 piracy was that bad...I know of only one person personally who has a modded PS2...whearas I remember several people walking around with huge books of PSX games...I think I even saw it on 60 minutes...
according to my hardware guy modding a PS2 is a nightmarish affair, I assumed it placed such beyond the reach of Joe Average, as it should be. Nothing like the childish simplicity of the current crop of Xbox mods. (I've seen videos of some installs that make falling off a log seem complicated and time-consuming)
I dunno if I'd call that a "master stroke", more like MS stumbled(far from "f**ked up big time"), and Nintendo, well, Ninty shot themselves in the foot, again. There are so many good reasons to mod an Xbox, it almost makes me suspect that the Xbox mod scene is just part of a giant experiment by MS to find out what consumers really want, though the release of the Media Extender seems like the same sort of crap as the DVD remote(though the $30 for the remote isn't really that steep considering the price of the console and games). You can do so much more so much easier with XBMC, the most important point is that it does not require a Windows Media Center PC.
I'd say the "master stroke" of this cycle is undoubtedly Xbox LIVE! Without the undeniable command of online gaming, I don't think that MS would be nearly the contender in the next generation.
Nintendo is a wierd duck. They innovate and come up with some amazing things, but the price of such innovation appears to be the occasional blunder. Sticking with the carts for the 64 I thought would have taught them a lesson, but apparently they insist on being not quite pointlessly unique.
As a side note, though I have the DVD remote, I've actually used my Xbox to play more music CDs than anything, again something which the GC is incapable of.
I'd say the "master stroke" of this cycle is undoubtedly Xbox LIVE! Without the undeniable command of online gaming, I don't think that MS would be nearly the contender in the next generation.
I think more people bought a PS2 to play DVDs than are currently subscribed to Live. In terms of hardware sold, that's the master stroke. How many of those PS2 owners went on to buy games is another matter.
Live has certainly helped keep XBox alive for the hardcore gamers, but as far as contributing to the overall health of the platform, I'm not so sure. Only about 10% of XBox users have signed up for Live.
As far as the GC playing DVDs goes, I'm sure Ninty could have made the cube able to read them without opening themselves up to piracy. Get the optical drive to check the size of the disc before playing a game, if it's the size of a CD or DVD, you can't play a game. Should have been a reasonably simple check, I would have thought.
just thought i would reply and tell you that when all the consoles initially came out the Big N was the only one to make initial profit on their console the xbox and ps2 lost tons of money. personally i think if sony didn't have all those blockbusters come out the same year as the ps2 sony would have lost so much money it would have been crazy. also i don't think MR. PreciousRoi realizes how much money the GC made, first they make money off the hardware then off the dev kits *note that Nintendo charges more then anyone for their dev kits although they have reduced there costs on them so more companies would buy them* then made money on the proprietary disc they owned. so the point is that the GC was a success in terms of profit but not domination like the N wanted.
PreciousRoi also said something about a sony not being responsible for the kiddie label placed on th Big N, this is not true their is something called underground marketing or rumors were they get people talking about how the N is for kids, also i do recall some adds were it has statments like "Not for kids". just thought i would tell you of something obviously laking in your brain.
I'd say the "master stroke" of this cycle is undoubtedly Xbox LIVE! Without the undeniable command of online gaming, I don't think that MS would be nearly the contender (it will be) in the next generation.
My point was that the success of LIVE! as a service (i.e. it works) is what has many devs excited to work on the next gen MS console. Without LIVE!'s hegemony over online play I doubt that MS would be seeing the kind of support they are expecting from Japan in particular. MS didn't set out to win this generations console battle (something the Sony fanboys always seem to forget). Hell, they lost money on every console they sold didn't they? Not knowing what kind of profits per console Sony made I really don't know what effect selling consoles without selling any software would have on their bottom line, I know software is where the loot is...
tyrion wrote:
As far as the GC playing DVDs goes, I'm sure Ninty could have made the cube able to read them without opening themselves up to piracy. Get the optical drive to check the size of the disc before playing a game, if it's the size of a CD or DVD, you can't play a game. Should have been a reasonably simple check, I would have thought.
I wholeheartedly agree, there surely was a solution there, Ninty just had to be Ninty. I'm sure they thought the little discs would be cute, before they realized that they really didn't want to be that cute.
I'm sure Sony sold more PS2s as DVD players than MS, whatever that did for their bottom line. Never even tried to argue that point. My comments went more toward game/DVD combo usage, and MS positioning itself for this coming generation.
I think that in the previous gen, a DVD would have sold more Cubes. Next gen it just won't matter - everyone has a DVD player now. Online gaming will be standard too.
Also remember that the Panasonic Qube could play DVDs and Cube games and flopped. If you had wanted DVDs as well as Cube games, that was an option.
Remember though that the Cube's format gives it a quick loading speed as well - I can remember being amazingly impressed with the difference in load times from the PS to the Cube.
We're on an equal field and new turf next gen... should be interesting!
PreciousRoi also said something about a sony not being responsible for the kiddie label placed on th Big N, this is not true their is something called underground marketing or rumors were they get people talking about how the N is for kids, also i do recall some adds were it has statments like "Not for kids". just thought i would tell you of something obviously laking in your brain.
Ohhh, so it WAS all a giant Sony-wing conspiracy...pfft...underground marketing my ass, people talking, my eye, those weren't people(or even Sony robots), they were Sony fanboys(a lower lifeform) you twit, and they didn't have to be induced to say it or make that s**t up, they were more than happy to exploit the pre-existing weakness, becasue as they all know "Sony r0xx0rs. Everyone else suxx0rs. Becasue ________ (fill in the blank)"
btw, nothing laking here...
SO you're saying that Nintendo had nothing to do with the "kiddie" label, I strongly disagree. Hell look at the three consoles, the big, black brick, the sleeker one, and the one that looks like something that would be right at home in the corner of the Teletubbies house. I mean honestly, its like Barney the Purple Dinosaur dung interpreted by a cubist... And the controllers...the colors look geared toward stimulating the minds of very young children... Look you twit, I'm NOT saying that the GC IS a "kiddie" system, I'm saying that there are some very valid reasons why people would consider it such, and Nintendo IS resopnsible for most of them. If Sony did exploit this who can blame them, but they didn't create it out of whole cloth.
w0rd up. Should be a very good generation for all gamers.
Though I've never even heard of the Panasonic Qube, so it must not have been marketed very well. And the impact of a 3rd party option as opposed to the mainline Ninty product would be in question, as I'm sure Ninty had little incentive to market the Panasonic device in opposition to the GC.
What did it look like? How long after launch was it introduced? What was the price point compared to GC?
Ohhh, so it WAS all a giant Sony-wing conspiracy...pfft...underground marketing my ass, people talking, my eye, those weren't people..........If Sony did exploit this who can blame them, but they didn't create it out of whole cloth.
the above statement only further supports my point that you are indeed laking, i mean i am not saying its your fault that you are laking the astute brain power of even a 10 year old kid. But, when someone makes a one opinion in the beginning of his post then backs down and says hey maybe you are right in the end of the post it just kind of jumps out there and says i am a dumbass.
also i was talking about the n64 days when all the statements about Nintendo being a kiddie system started popping up, not the GC days.
on another note the Panasonic Q as it was called never came out in america, only in japan but it was real slick looking thing with tons of options. here is the url you have to go all the way down to bottom of the page their is also a psx on their if you haven't heard of that it was real supped up ps2.