PlayStation 3 1080p Games a Long Way Off

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Topic started: Wed, 6 Sep 2006 09:39
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Joined 17 Jul 2006
Thu, 7 Sep 2006 21:20
but most of the time, for example LUPOS's post that you first replied to, people are citing valid reasons for thinking sony are being guff and surely thats all they need. they dont need elegant wordplay, a brilliant joke or any other sugaring in their comment to make it worth saying.

a joke is always welcome, but sony are acting like total f**k ups right now and i dont need to say it in a silly voice to validate my vocalising of that (highly fact-based) opinion.

vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Fri, 8 Sep 2006 03:21
RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
but most of the time, for example LUPOS's post that you first replied to, people are citing valid reasons for thinking sony are being guff and surely thats all they need.

Microsoft did the same things with the 360 I said the same things then. The flopped on a few fronts and we called them on it after it was released. I'm not defending Sony, I'm just saying obvious potshots are really weak. It's like that old adage, opinions are like assholes, everyone's got 'em and they all stink. I do not put myself above this but geez, it gets a little trite.

Just look at all the idiots who try to talk politics. Even Bush can't do it respectably.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Fri, 8 Sep 2006 04:15
Bah, the time to be preaching "peace in our time" was prior to the 360 launch...comes off as blatantly self-serving now(the 360 launch having been flawed, but not fatally so, and safely in the past, Sony showing every sign of an impending botch job, and Nintendo threatening to knock one out of the park)...I'm certainly not convinced you "held back" out of any reason aside from lack of ammunition...making the point that Sony is as pathetically easy to make fun of as Paris Hilton, also probably not a good move...I mean at least I put a little effort into being creative, and you get all pissy about it(the naive arrogance of your "call to rise above" being laughable)...I didn't even say anything bad about Sony or the PS3, aside from an EyeToy reference, which was for fairly obvious comedic reasons.

I certainly don't recall you impressing me as anything aside from a dedicated partisan, if not an out and out fanboy. So your bona fides as a peacemaker are fairly questionable.

As to the "Hur, Hur, Hur, Sony sucks, Hur, Hur" crowd, you ignore them or engage them as you choose, but you don't get your knickers all in a bunch becasue they violate your self-imposed moratorium on cheap shots.
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