yer but Japan, come on, as long as they have a million diffrent tetris style games & stupid games about rubbing virtual pets belly's they are happy. i honestly couldn't care what they do....
yer but Japan, come on, as long as they have a million diffrent tetris style games & stupid games about rubbing virtual pets belly's they are happy. i honestly couldn't care what they do....
And to think that I found the events of 9/11 incomprehensible at the time.
as if that will make a damn diffrence. when will microsoft realize japan just doesnt like xbox. ive read that the gamecube is out selling the xbox sofar this year in japan, with only about 70000 360's selling so far this year. its just sad.
You, Spong say: " Microsoft will cut the price of the Xbox 360 in Japan", I say: what the F**K are you talking about!!! The 360 is not seeing its price cut!!! They' re just releasing the core package wich wasn't avalaible there & as everyone knows, the core 360 is cheaper!!! Again, NO PRICE CUT!!! Spong just like to give huge "twists" (euphemism) to their stories...
Actually the headline is even more wrong than you supposed.
A more correcter version would read: "Microsoft Seeks to Capitalise on PlayStation 3 Shortage in Japan."
I'm afraid I have the soul of an editor...actually I have the souls of 6 editors, they had a special at Wal-Mart. They're small and dingy and not especially useful except as paperweights, which seems oddly appropriate. I even restrained my Colonial impulse to use the letter z.