i didnt mean the threat was entirely fabricated, but certainly fabrications are sewn on. exaggerations, misinformation, censorship and downright lies blow up the danger to proportions that tower above the reality.
i dont see much evidence that theres millions of terrorists trying to wipe us all out. and although i dont condone terrorist acts one iota, a lot of the islamic people who are classified as terrorists are the people whose lives and countries have been wrecked by others. hizbollah for example, the way i see it if i was lebanese i could very well be involved in fighting the israelis out of my country, and id feel completely justified in it
i guess this would be the time to say i dont believe that al qaeda perpetrated the 9/11 attacks
i know a band, who have a jew and a lebanese chick in them, i suggested to them they should rename their band to 'Ceasefire' or 'Peace Process'
nice. the Bavarian Illuminati was it? the Tri-lateral Commission? the 2nd gunman from the grassy knoll? Grays? the Loch Ness Monster?
And if you were Jewish, you might well be on the other side...what about it?
I can see how you'd find the threat easy to dismiss, then again, a dozen or so guys with box cutters doesn't sound too scary on the surface of it either...
I still lament the fact that Yasr Arafat died of natural causes, always rooted for either us or the Mossad to get that f**king bastard.
I find his stance inherently dichotomous on further thought.
His stance on videogames substituites personal and parental responsibility with regulation. But he apparently takes the reverse stance on gun control.
If parents can't be trusted or bothered to supervise their childrens videogaming habits, I certainly don't think they can be trusted to keep their kids away from guns in the home...
Thanks for that. No matter where you stand on gun ownership - the increase in gun crime either here or there is a sad waste of life.
Unfortunately we have so many guns lying around in this country, gun control is a very difficult proposition. Restrictions are followed only by responsible, law abiding citizens, criminals have easy and cheap access, despite massive gun buyback/destruction programs.
Of course. Whether it's legal to own a gun or not, criminals will find a way to get them... when you have a very effective police force that protects civilians frm gun crime - then it's fine to champion control. But when the police can't protect citizens - it's unsurprising that they'll want to protect themselves.
It's a pity, though, that very often young people with fiery tempraments use guns as a very final way of settling what should be quite trivial arguments - over honour and respect.
Everything I read there supports my view that the 2nd Amendment was a reaction to and a defense against British rule.
I have no argument with that point of view. It's also a reasonable point of view that the 2nd Amendment was introduced to prevent a despot from taking control of the USA.
What I tend to disagree with is the interpretation that all American citizens have an inalienable right to own firearms. They don't. They currently can own firearms legally and the Federal Government can't remove their ability to own firearms. However, the state governments can remove that entitlement, as can lesser governing bodies.
As the site I linked to says, Americans are entitled to free speech, but you can't shout "Fire!" in a crowded theatre and expect to get away with it. It is possible to regulate gun ownership more restrictively than at present and not require the 2nd Amendment to be repealed.
For example, I would have thought it a reasonable idea that anybody who uses a public forum to express a desire to kill anyone else should have any firearms they own confiscated. Cue the Miami police. Woo back on topic!
Well, i assumed this woudl blow up a bit come morning and you guys didn't disapoint.
DoctorDee wrote:
...lies to keep you complacent...
So, if police can protect people, people dont need guns. But if they can't, people do. And if police cant protect people the government charged with managing the police needs to be replaced by one that can better manage the police. But if we can't vote out those in power because they have contracted their corporate friends to make electronic voting machines that don't actually count votes they dont like, well... then we need guns. What about protesting you say, doesnt work, we have them all the time. The media doesnt cover it. Well you could like write a book or start a web site! nope, preaching to the choire there, makes very little head way. Sad truth, if things get bad enough, you gotta stand up and fight. Not to say that things are at that point right now, although...
PreciousRoi wrote:
...Ne\/er FORGE+!!111...
Hi, my name is joe. I live in the greater new york metroplitan area. The day of the attacks i was home with my family in PA while my girld friend and all my firends where in nyc, phones where down/jammed, and i had to sit there all day and watch on the tv, terrified that more attacks might occur, fearing for the lives of almost everyone i know. I assure, i will never forget, and i sure as f**k dont need somebody who lives however many hundred miles away reminding me. Oh, and i don't like BS PR catch phrases beign attached to horrific tragedies. But thats just me.
Now, like rise, i dont believe Binladen and crew where behind the attacks. I could explaine here, but i dont have the time to write a book so i will direct you here.
Watch the whole thing. Tis an hour and a half, so if you reply before then saying its bullshit i'll know you didn't watch it ;)
Also there are a few lovely little counter documentaries that you can find if you look. the eloquently(sp?) titled "Screw loose change" for example. feel free to give those a fair shake as well. then come back and talk to me.
Infact, the more i think about that documentary the more it makes me glad we have guns. Sad to say. _______
nice. the Bavarian Illuminati was it? the Tri-lateral Commission? the 2nd gunman from the grassy knoll? Grays? the Loch Ness Monster?
well who stood to benefit most? the current administration. plus theres lots of things that kind of say it had to be an inside job, either that or hundreds of al qaeda infiltrated your highest security agencies.
Roi wrote:
And if you were Jewish, you might well be on the other side...what about it?
id like to think that i am a human of independant sentience before a nationality, or 'god' forbid a religion. by looking act facts i managed to have garnered some 'unpatriotic' and unpopular views all by my own so far, i dont know why that would be different if i had been born israeli.
roi wrote:
I can see how you'd find the threat easy to dismiss, then again, a dozen or so guys with box cutters doesn't sound too scary on the surface of it either...
and i can see how its easy to dwell upon, but i do believe its not worth our precious (no pun intended) time.
And if you were Jewish, you might well be on the other side...what about it?
id like to think that i am a human of independant sentience before a nationality, or 'god' forbid a religion. by looking act facts i managed to have garnered some 'unpatriotic' and unpopular views all by my own so far, i dont know why that would be different if i had been born israeli.
I'm jewish and american and I personaly support hezzbola in this. Am i unamerican because the US supports isreal? oh how sad. ____
...and thats why the current administration is still in power.
I seriously think that the intelligence community and current administration encourage such beliefs. It only makes them look good by comparison. Man, I bet the serious critics of the President absolutely HATE you people...and you reached this conclusion based on evidence you gathered and compiled yourself did you? Or did someone shove your nose into it and tell you what to see...prolly a CIA operative on a disinformation mission to discredit the Administration's critics.
Seriously though, the Grays and the Loch Ness Monster have just as much to gain as the Administration, if not more. See, if we're all caught up in the wars, and the hunt for al Quaeda, they're free to act without interference, as resources which would normally be emplyed against them are tied up searching for "terrorists". Then they set up patsies like you to accuse the Administration, muddying the waters further and obfuscating their own involvement. Yeah, thats the ticket...I was just discussing this over dinner with my wife, Morgan Fairchild...
Not that the Administration is innocent of any wrongdoing...see that whole Electoral College thing...some dude made that s**t up like a week before the 2000 elections, then went back in time and made sure it was in the Constitution to ensure a Bush victory. The paradox drove him insane of course, hes now a greeter at the Fairfield, VA Wal-Mart...I only know all this though my contact with the Universal Overmind, which contacts me during required weekly tests of the Emergency Broadcast Syatem.
The Battle of Britain? A sham perpatrated by Winston Churchill, in conjunction with the Hoenzollerns, and the Knight Templar. Those were British bombs falling on London. Hitler didn't even want to bomb London, he wanted it intact. Pearl Harbor, that was you bastards as well, trying to draw us into another one of your damned wars...we paid you back for that one though, see the IRA was actually a secret arm of the US Marines, composed of brainwashed recent immigrants, indoctrinated by Jesuit fighter/mage/priests using secret techniques passed down by the Jedi Order and only rediscovered on the "other" Dead Sea Scrolls.
dude, you're a jew and you can't spell Israel or Hezbollah?
*looks skeptical
i also cant spell "baruch atta adonoy, eluheynu, melech, chaoulom, adshare kidshanu, bo-mitz-vota, vitsivanu, lachadlik, nair, shell hanuka" but thats more so because my keyboards is sadly lacking the proper characters, oh and i havent take hebrew lesons sinse second grade when i went to the J.C.C.(in orlando for refference sake) for school, where my mom was a pre-school teacher.
Also bravo on ignoring the "information" presented to you. I'm very impressed with your ability to wait a few hours and then post a smug response, making fun of the possibility that there are forces at work in this world greater and more sinister than what you hear about on TV. As long as we are at it, is it hard to type with your head in the sand? And does it cost you alot to have your internet routed through china so all the "Bad information" is filtered out?
Until you decide to disccus some of the points presented to you i will no longer be discussing anythign of this sort with you. If im going to talk to something that is incapable of reason then i have a very nice poster of the ninja turtles movie at home i would rather stare at while doing it. __________
So becasue I refuse to entertain the belief that the administration is responsible for 9-11 I'm hiding my head in the sand? Good Lord. I guess the Democratic party is either in on it, or hiding thier head in the sand too, becasue you'd think they would have brought it up in the last election...
obviously i have to rely on other sources for news and facts, for the same reason i visit SPOnG for gaming news
its wrong to say i should, or even can do all my own hands-on research just to categorically prove to doubters that i reached my current opinions on my own.
ive found the research of others, looked at it and made up my own mind. i always thought there was something fishy about 9/11, those huge reinforced monuments of human endeavour crashing down into a neat little pile.
and please, you think people who think these things, you think were our own worst enemy? i say its the people who eat up the government line on things like 9/11 and WMDs that are a dangerous commodity
you were spoonfed someones propaganda, dude. You were at the political version of IGN.
and LUPOS, where do you get me waiting a few hours, I had that smug response posted inside of 30 minuites...more distorted facts from the tinfoil hat crowd...
i dont see much evidence that theres millions of terrorists trying to wipe us all out. and although i dont condone terrorist acts one iota, a lot of the islamic people who are classified as terrorists are the people whose lives and countries have been wrecked by others. hizbollah for example, the way i see it if i was lebanese i could very well be involved in fighting the israelis out of my country, and id feel completely justified in it
i guess this would be the time to say i dont believe that al qaeda perpetrated the 9/11 attacks
i know a band, who have a jew and a lebanese chick in them, i suggested to them they should rename their band to 'Ceasefire' or 'Peace Process'