Sony PR Chief Says Wii is a Novelty

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Topic started: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 12:40
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Joined 6 Nov 2006
Fri, 15 Dec 2006 10:42
SCiARA wrote:
But anyhoos back to subject, Sony's PR Chief!! Sony is not going to come out and say Nintendo are great are they? And isn’t the "Novelty" thing maybe what half of us are thinking anyway? .

I love words, me...

According to the Oxford English Dick...

"Novelty • noun (pl. novelties) 1 the quality of being novel. 2 a new or unfamiliar thing. 3 a small and inexpensive toy or ornament. 4 before another noun intended to be amusingly striking or unusual: a novelty teapot."

• adjective interestingly new or unusual. "

If I was a Nintendite, I'd be concentrating on 1 and 2. If I was a Sonyan I'd be working from 4 but avoiding the definintion of 'novel' entirely. And if I was a Microsoftian, I'd be watching the bitch-slapping competition and cackling.
Joined 20 Dec 2004
Fri, 15 Dec 2006 16:07
Aye. I think he's right. Sort of.
It is a novelty just now but used properly Wii could be the bestest thing in the world ever.

It could also be the worst if all they ever do is take standard games with regular controls and break it trying to make it fit with the wiimote.

And I'm not convinced by Zelda. Nintendo have managed to launch a new console with a game for it's previous console and yet somehow manage to get everybody to buy it. Good game or not, I'm not buying a Wii to play Zelda. Not when I had planned on getting the GC one....

2 years ago!!!!
Joined 27 Jun 2006
Fri, 15 Dec 2006 17:58
wot i cant understand is Nintendo make a new & exciting console with a new way of playing games & interacting,....then just make it's next batch of off the shelf same old IP games....Wii Zelda, Wii Mario, Wii Metroid prime, Wii Star Fox (if it's not coming, it will be)... cant they move the things that matter on?, like games?..
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Fri, 15 Dec 2006 21:49
hollywooda wrote:
Wii Zelda, Wii Mario, Wii Metroid prime, Wii Star Fox (if it's not coming, it will be)... cant they move the things that matter on?, like games?..

So, New Super Mario Brothers, Yoshis Island 2, Animal Crossing DS, Final Fantasy 3 and Metroid Hunters arent important to the succes of the ds then?

Seriously man, I'm as excited about the future potential of the console as anyone else, but that certainly doesnt mean I want to forgo my favorites for nothing but experimental games. The worst thing Nintendo coud dpossibly do is ostricize the devoted fan base by neglecting there major IP. The only reason the Cube survived at all last gen was because of the devoted Nintendo lovers like myself.

More creative games are comming, but if they had to have really outlandish stuff out for launch it would just be more "touch and go yoshi". I'd rather wait for soemthing exceptional.

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