Oh, we've heard the story a million times. Developing for the PS3 is more difficult and more costly than it is for the Wii. It's not like any one is "taking sides" or "bashing Sony". Any other facts you'd like to refute?
-The earth is round. -Living things die. -I have a nose.
If they tossed out MGS4 for 360 and PS3, they'd be reeling in a bit more dough.
What facts have I refuted? I don't dispute that some games will cost a more to develop. But surely thats on game by game basis. Say for example Sony made LocoRoco for PS3 do you think that would cost considerable less if it was made for Wii.
theres more work involved in making a hi-def game. it needs more work, so therefore it needs more money.
Jesus Wept! What figure would you give it 50p, £500, £20M. As I said earlier the development cost will vary on a game by game basis. To just make a blanket statement that a PS3 game is gonna cost X,Y,Z more that a Wii game to develop is insane. PC games can run at 1600x1200 does that mean they cost more to develop than a PS3?
theres more work coding, modelling and texturing (and the rest) multithreaded, hi-res games. more work, so more men or manhours. more wages, more expensive workstations and dev kits.
if you think about costs exterior to the actual making process - they might even take bigger risks spending more money promoting it because of the bigger monetary losses incurred if it fails, who knows. DVD9s cost that little bit more than DVD5s, all these little things add up. but musings aside, it costs more to develop a 360 game than Wii game.
theres more work coding, modelling and texturing (and the rest) multithreaded, hi-res games. more work, so more men or manhours. more wages, more expensive workstations and dev kits.
I'm not disputing this fact. I'm just saying that not every game for PS3 will require all this extra modeling/texturing/coding. LocoRoco for example doesn't need any fancy 3D textures/models.
But to bring Loco roco to the PS3 would probably require a whole new engine, the structure in a PSP is completely diffrent to PS3. they could possible emulate it but that wouldn't look so hot
Famitsu cancels Konami doesn't It seems fans of New Action Adventure Game won't be disappointed after all. The Japanese magazine Famitsu had reported several PlayStation 3 and Wii games had been canned.
But it seems this was not true, the games are still in development and Famitsu has apologised for what it is calling a "printing error".
COME ON LET'S ALL KISS & MAKE UP..... (maybe leave the kissing part out then)
building locoroco for ps3 will still require more work and money than the psp version because of the complexity and power of the ps3.
It depends on how familiar your developers are with the new system. Isn't LocoRoco a Sony-developed game? If so, doing two identical versions from scratch may not take that much more time.
I think the point is that there's an expectation that developers will fully use the power of the console.