Naturally, this guys statements need to be taken with a grain of salt since he does work for MS, but I think on his basic point he is right. Sure the wii is something new and original. So were lightguns, trackballs, and dancepads once and in reality all the wimote is is another accessory. It works good on certain games (i.e. Wario Ware, Rayman) but in mainstream genres the control has been, at best, mediocre (Zelda, Red Steel, Metroid Prime 3). I love Nintendo and respect the need to innovate but if they don't want to go the way of SEGA they are going to have to stop trying to take huge leaps into the future and go step-by-step. Remember the Gamecube and it's useless "innovations"?
I swear, Microsoft execs must be handing out a whole lot of favors out there.