PS3 Price Drop - €399 For 40GB Model

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Topic started: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 10:34
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Joined 14 Oct 1999
Thu, 4 Oct 2007 07:47
Joji wrote:
No standard PS3 headset? That's quite shocking. Warhawk looks great, but if all the players can't co-ordinate their gaming through a headset properly, a lot of the fun is lost. Even Nintendo can learn here too and put out a headset.

I'm going to say this slowly for the cheap seats!

You. Can. Use. Any. USB. Or. Bluetooth. Headset. You. Want.

Got a £10 USB headset from PC World? Use that! Got a bluetooth headset for your mobile when driving? Use that!

Why the hell do we have to go down the "must be made by Sony" route when all it'll do is make people pissed of because of the cost?

We finally have a console that gives you true choice (not just the "pay our prices or do without" choice like the 360 offers) in this little aspect of your gaming lives, why oh why should we want to throw it all away? If you want a "Sony approved" headset, buy the £40 version of Warhawk and get the Jabra BT125 that comes with it.

Joji wrote:
In short, stop pissing about Sony. I still want a PS3. 80gb PS3 for £300, THEN you've got yourself a deal. Unfortunately, Sony are too greedy to do this, and prefer sku shuffling.

Sony is a company. Sony must make money. Sony can't sell the rig you want for that price yet. I hate to make car analogies, but just because I'd like a DB9 for the price of an MX-5, doesn't mean it's gonna happen.

If you are so blinkered that you can't see that the only difference is the size of the hard drive that you can change for yourself anyway, then you were never going to buy a PS3 in the first place. I know that there may be no card readers, but they add nothing to gameplay and you're all about the games, aren't you? And there may be limited backwards compatibility, but you collect old consoles (you were talking about getting a VitualBoy in another thread for hell's sake) so you'd still have your PS2.

When all of those issues are sorted out, it'll be that it doesn't come with rumble, or that it doesn't come with an HDMI lead, or that you don't have an HD-TV so what's the use, or that you don't like the shape of the controller, or that it's not a Wii, it doesn't have Halo, it's online isn't as good as a service that's four years older, or they killed the Dreamcast, or the CD rootkit scandal, or now that I've f**ked about for so long, I'll just wait for the PS4 and it all starts again.

If you want one, buy one, if not, stop whining. There will never be the perfect time to buy, just make up your mind and, as Microsoft says, "jump in". You never know, you might find out that there's some fun to be had.
Joined 6 Dec 2006
Thu, 4 Oct 2007 16:52
"I am no fanboy I know what is the best for gaming and what isn't and I can clearly see past the BS spouted by Ken, Kaz and Phil Harrison along with the lies and delays and ports etc."

how is this the case, isnt the definition on a fan boy, someone that says one company is the best, and the others are crap. and this is ALL you do. you havent said 1 good thign about anything other than xbox, and keep on slagging off the people behind company's like, "kaz and ken". i dont care about the head of who ever, i just wanna play good games, on whatever system,

oh and by the way, no one gives a crap that you have an xbox and a 40 inch samsung tv.
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