I think the draw to Goldeneye, Is down to a number of factors that were never seen in a console FPS before
1) Cinematic style of the game (a sense of actually being there) or actually seeing the movie scenes/locations and recognizing them. 2) First time a complete and usable control scheme for a console was available to a FPS 3) 4 Player Death Match! Truly made this game 4) Attention to detail (as already pointed out)
But these very simple things that made it great and landmark title back then are now nostalgic and normal/expected in every FPS since, so Goldeneye by today’s standards would of suck, big time.
OK let me address these in order.
1) Don't make me laugh, the graphics looked horrid even then, not cinematic in any sense of the term, aside from the root IP being a movie. 2) It was neither complete, nor in my opinion useable. 3) Halo's 4-player System Link trumps this. If you can say that GoldenEye is truly made by the feeble splitscreen, then Halo is not only its rightful successor, but its Lord and Master. I could comment on the 16-player capability but splitscreen gaming is counter to my religious beliefs. 4) I certainly didn't find a lack of attention to detail in Halo.
In any event, Halo is better than GoldenEye for the sole reason that you don't have to use "the worst console accessory of all time" to play Halo. Also, you can jump and aim while running...
Hold on, read me again, I didn’t say anything about halo!!, My point was why it was good in its time, halo wasn’t out for a good while after golden eye!, I actually pointed out that in comparison to halo on todays standards it sucks, but when it came out it was the best around and I quote spong here “At the time of its release, Goldeneye was one of the most impressive titles to date, and even to this day, it still looks impressive. Impressive are the graphics, but also, the mechanics. This isn’t just a first-person shoot-em-up. You’re a secret agent, sent on Her Majesty’s Secret Service. You have to be tactical about the moves you make. For example, rather than kill someone who has information, why not shoot him or her in the hand to prize it out of them. Clever, huh? Each part of the enemy’s responds when shot. Shoot the chest, he dies painfully; shoot the head and he’s out like a light”
Your trying to compare halo and goldeneye like they were both Xbox games?? why?
Well, my rebuttals to your first two points have nothing to do with Halo...and the rebuttal of the latter two were not neccessarily directed at you specifically, but more at the idea that GoldenEye (either for its time or as game) is somehow vastly superior to Halo. Which is not a view that you have espoused, but certainly has been expressed in the context of this discussion, and I think my rebuttal of your third point is certainly relevant. If GoldenEye was a great game based on splitscreen multiplayer, then how can the greatness of Halo be denied? Once again, not neccessarily directed at you specifically. While you were admitting that by today's standards the game was inferior, you also attempted to give the game credit for institutionalizing many of the standard features of the console FPS, which I refute. Most especially the notion that the controls for GoldenEye became standard on all console shooters to follow...to the best of my knowledge, and I'm probably wrong, Medal of Honor gets the nod for introducing (or at least popularizing) the standard console FPS controls, with Halo's default scheme (swapping the strafe and turn axes) coming along as a refinement later, memorializing the MoH scheme as "Legacy".
I remember my first impression of GoldenEye vividly. The graphics reminded me of old Atari arcade games, like Xybot or Race Drivin' and I couldn't stand to hold the controller for more than a few minutes without feeling soiled. I walked away uninterested and never looked back.
i would say that not Goldeneye but Nintendo had a hand in all FPS controls to follow golden eye was just one of the first to implement it, i am talking about the return of the analog control stick, then sony used to idea and doubled it and from there dual analog became the console standard, as well as console FPS standard.
meh, I give Nintendo no credit for the single stick, it weren't no good without the 2nd one, about as useful as a single oar on a rowboat, plus the controller design was an abortion. I give Sony full credit for using the two sticks, and introducing the paradigm around which the current Sony/MS (and former GC) controllers are based. Including the "best console controller ever" the current 360 model.
Theres one thing that if true I'd have to give GoldenEye credit for...if it did, in fact introduce headshots and body mapped hit detection to the FPS genre, then I'd have to give it credit...but PC games'd count for this purpose...somehow I'm pretty sure GoldenEye didn't introduce the headshot, but I'm willing to concede that I could be wrong here.
I do wonder when PreciousRoi played Goldeneye, as in what year. How can you compare Goldeneye with a Atari game on the visuals department. So it had some fog and pop-up, they all had that in that generation and the fog was only visible in large area's. So it was blocky, Half-Life was blocky too a year later. Graphics were also sacreficed to keep the framerate somewhat stable with sometimes dozens of enemies on screen and the split-screen mechanic.
The charm of Goldeneye was frankly the strategy you had to think out when playing the later levels or harder difficulties. The game punishes you for just rushing in. Without knowing the levels and the good spots. Hell some people say Goldeneye was the first real 3D game that actually used stealth. And offcourse the high level of detail in a lot area's for a game of that age.
Believe it or not but you could perform a 360 turn in less then two seconds with some skill in the game. Hell, i'm convinced you can out-maneuver a guy with the N64-controller and the Goldeneye set-up compared to a dual-analog set-up, mostly because Goldeneye is a slighty faster game then the console-FPS these days. It also had some fun fast-movement options when you are in aim-mode.
That would be either '97 or '98. And I didn't play it much, as I never get tired of stating, the N64 controller was an abomination that made me feel soiled after handling it for more than a few minutes. You couldn't pay me to play that game. For the record, I wasn't talking about 2600 games, I'm talking about Atari ARCADE machines (actually likely contemporaries of the N64 if not even newer), which you'd know if you'd actually read what I wrote. If its any comfort all of the N64 graphics share that look, its pretty standard among primitive 3d graphics.
If GoldenEye was the first 3d stealth game then Splinter Cell owes it a (minor) debt of gratitude, but stealth is just a minor adjunct and optional feature in the console FPS.
OK I was confusing decades, Xybots and Hard Drivin' were '87, Race Drivin' was '90 and no doubt the N64 may have improved upon them somewhat...but they still evoked the same feel, as is somewhat natural given their place on the evolutionary scale of 3d graphics. But yeah, Xybots dressed up a bit.
Also, "the charm of GoldenEye" that you purport to be strategy, appears to be, from your description, merely foreknowledge of "the good spots" and "the levels"...impressive. I bet knowing where all the good weapons were was a good "strategy" too.
OK I was confusing decades, Xybots and Hard Drivin' were '87, Race Drivin' was '90 and no doubt the N64 may have improved upon them somewhat...but they still evoked the same feel, as is somewhat natural given their place on the evolutionary scale of 3d graphics. But yeah, Xybots dressed up a bit.
Also, "the charm of GoldenEye" that you purport to be strategy, appears to be, from your description, merely foreknowledge of "the good spots" and "the levels"...impressive. I bet knowing where all the good weapons were was a good "strategy" too.
Well, it is a bit fair to lump those games all togheter because even untill the end of the nineties, that's what games looked like in general or "feeled" like, exclusion maybe being the PC (and Dreamcast in 1999).
What I meant with knowing the levels and such is how the soldiers patrol, where they are and so forth, like in Metal Gear (this is crucial in the second bunker level where you start with no gun at all, in jail, and have to beat up the guard giving him his gun but only with like 20 bullets). The good spots are the spots you can lure them in, retreat to, because the soldiers have a tendency to keep spawning at places if they found you out (in some levels). The spawning isn't annoying either, if you get to the spawnplace or pass it it doesn't spawn soldiers anymore, the game thinking you cleared that section. Also I think Goldeneye introduced the first "defend this objective" mission in a FPS but I wouldn't say that for sure.
You can't run 'n gun the game, using cover was crucial while standing still wasn't a option either in the later levels where the soldiers suddenly started chucking grenades at you. There also no guns to be found in Goldeneye except the ones to get from dead soldiers (like in Halo, only the game didn't track how much the soldiers fired his gun, it just gave a a set amount of bullets if you picked them up) and the snipergun in the first level. For the rest you just start with your pistol and go at it. There are fun modes though where you start with the rocket launchers.
I think these guys at Speed Demos Archive may beg to differ. The longest level takes 4:22 on "00" difficulty - only 20 seconds longer than on the easy "Agent" setting.
The majority of levels take less than a minute to complete.
Actually I beleive the arcade games I mentioned were developed from PC harware, perhaps they and the PS have more in common than I thought. (Might have roughly the same amount of power, difference being that it took the ten years to get a less dedicated smaller version of hardware with similar capabilities...)
SO the comparison might be more fair than I second thought.
Well i have to disagree with haritori. I think hes an idiot and has no f**king clue about gaming. R FOM is a great game and part 2 will be the mother of all games. Halo!......cant even come close. Ive been playin Halo since its first debut. It ok and the multiplayer game modes are so void of stimulus. I wonder why people hate the ps3 sooo much? Is it because of jealousy and fear!
Well i have to disagree with haritori. I think hes an idiot and has no f**king clue about gaming. R FOM is a great game and part 2 will be the mother of all games. Halo!......cant even come close. Ive been playin Halo since its first debut. It ok and the multiplayer game modes are so void of stimulus. I wonder why people hate the ps3 sooo much? Is it because of jealousy and fear!
how did you decipher i hated the PS3 from my comments? i do not hate the PS3 in fact playing GT:P has made me fall in love with PlayStation again, buy R FOM certainly didnt impress me enough to justify the £425.00 i spent. but your entitled to your opinion no matter how s**t it is!