What an absolute joke. M$'s motto for Live games is "Quantity Over Quality". While Live has some fun, addicting games, the quality of those games is lacking. Look at Geometry Wars. That games has fun gameplay, with easy, pick up and play controls, that you can play over and over. But the visual quality if Geometry Wars, and other Live games similar to it, frankly look like suped up Atari 2600 graphics. Some of them go to the amazing extent of having Super Nintendo graphics.
PSN may have less offerings, but honestly the quality is Light-Years beyaond anything on Live. Take even a simple game that you can compare to Geometry Wars, like Blast Factor. That games has the same kind of fun, addicting gameplay, But the difference is it has "Next-Gen" visuals. Great textures and animations, and particle effects that rival any disc based games. And this is the case with pretty much any PSN game you could compare to Live games, Super Star Dust HD, Flow, Flower, Lemmings, Pixel Junk games, and the list goes on and on.
I prefer Qality, over quantity. And another big deciding factor for someone who honestly compares the two services objectively, is that all the PSN titles are in true HD resolutionss. I'm not saying they are ALL 1080p, a couple are only 720p. But if they are only 720p, at least they are REAL 720p, though most are true 1080p. On 360, not only are NONE of the Live games 1080p, none of them are even 720p. Everything is just upscaled. The worst part is, it's the same thing with disc based games. Everything is upscaled. I made the right choice by trading in my 360 while it still had SOME trade in value last September. I had 3 games I ever really liked on 360 in almost 2 whole years, only 1 of them was exclusive, and I had 2 downloadable games. Meanwhile I have 10 PS3 exclusive disc games. 5 exclusive PSN games, not to mention I got all my multiplat games on PS3 because I MUCH prefer the PlayStation controller.
The PS3 would win any comparrison between itself and 360 by any truly unbiased party. There is only one single category that the 360 wins. And that's the Quantity comparrison. It has more game.....congrats on that. 360 has a HUGE library of bad to mediocre games, and very few top quality titles. PS3 has an admitedly smaller library, but a much higher ratio of top quality games over shovelware. Quality over Quantity. I'm surprised gamers now a days are such strong supporters of a company like M$ who is all about Quantity Over Quality.
Sorry but i have to agree with "SuperSaiyan4" on this i had a PS3 and all i can say is i was bored out of my mind and after seeing what Microsoft had to offer i traded my PS3 in and got a 360 there's more games huge community and a great line-up i'm sorry but i liked the PS3 and it let me down some Sony fan boys can't stand to admit the defeat.
to close PSN and Live are not the same open your eyes SheeSH!!
At least the PSN is not a lagfest like LIVE is.....LIVE is not all that great...sure it has alot more content, but the PSN network runs very good for me, I've run into less problems on there than I ever had with LIVE.
Look at it this way, Xbox live arcade has hundreds of rubbish titles that will never be download. out of they hundreds of games probably 10 are worth purchasing.
PSN doesn't have hundreds of titles because it doesn't need hundreds of titles. furthermore Xbox live was around before PSN. PAIN, Monsters and Super Stardust HD are amazing titles and them three alone can entertain me for hours each day. so M$ can say its has the biggest library but not the best as most of the content is garbage.
I am confused on how so many people get PO'ed about paying $50 a YEAR for a service that is constantly up & offers FREE demos, FREE XBLA demos, videos, movies, TV shows from almost all networks, chat, video & 1 gamertag that follows you to all your games & all your online action. I've spent more money on a bad sushi & a bad movie in one night than the pleasure of knowing I have a service that continues to grow & there are people sitting at Microsoft making sure it stays up & running. Have you seen the new layout w/ Avatars included for Live? Home better hurry up or they will get beat to the market again! Granted, there are some horrible Arcade games w/ graphics from the late 80's. But, they are classics. So, the feel of the original game is still there, is that wrong? Then, there is just awful games like Band of Bugs or Cyberball 2072 & the worst Yie Ar Kung-Fu. They push out some crap, but you can actually download that crap & play it first & decide it's crap & delete it & you never spend a dime!!! Amazing! With all the people on Live, everybody has an opinion of games, so what might be boring or bad graphics might very well be what somebody can't wait to get off work to come home and play all night. If you want to talk games, like real deal games, all I have to say is Bioshock, Fable 2, Gears of War 1 & 2, Ninja Gaiden 2. I will give it up for MGS 4, great game, but everything else that is exclusive is sub-par for the amazing PS wonder machine. No game producers have come out w/ any cross platform game that is better on the PS3. And all the PS3 fans will be owning the 360 shortly or going to your buddies houes w/ a 360 to see what the new GTA 4 exclusive content will be, and you know it! Get your facts straight about the 480p, 720ip, 1080ip. The PS3 downscales everything if you dont have a true 1080p TV w/ HDMI hookup. At least the 360 will upscale everything to 1080i on component connections & the HDMI connection is true 1080p for HDDVD, HD movies & 1080p games.
I don't think having a ton of content is better than having a handful of quality games. I've looked at the 360 Live library and there are only 4 or 5 games I would even consider buying. Anyone can put together a bunch of junk and call it a game but it takes skills to put together a piece of art and call it a masterpiece.
SPOnG, can you program a new filter for the forums? All you have to do is ask it to detect any postings that don't have at least one full stop or capital letter per paragraph, and you'll have removed 90% of the fanboys from every corner. Cheers!
PSN may have less offerings, but honestly the quality is Light-Years beyaond anything on Live. Take even a simple game that you can compare to Geometry Wars, like Blast Factor. That games has the same kind of fun, addicting gameplay, But the difference is it has "Next-Gen" visuals. Great textures and animations, and particle effects that rival any disc based games. And this is the case with pretty much any PSN game you could compare to Live games, Super Star Dust HD, Flow, Flower, Lemmings, Pixel Junk games, and the list goes on and on.
I prefer Qality, over quantity. And another big deciding factor for someone who honestly compares the two services objectively, is that all the PSN titles are in true HD resolutionss. I'm not saying they are ALL 1080p, a couple are only 720p. But if they are only 720p, at least they are REAL 720p, though most are true 1080p. On 360, not only are NONE of the Live games 1080p, none of them are even 720p. Everything is just upscaled. The worst part is, it's the same thing with disc based games. Everything is upscaled. I made the right choice by trading in my 360 while it still had SOME trade in value last September. I had 3 games I ever really liked on 360 in almost 2 whole years, only 1 of them was exclusive, and I had 2 downloadable games. Meanwhile I have 10 PS3 exclusive disc games. 5 exclusive PSN games, not to mention I got all my multiplat games on PS3 because I MUCH prefer the PlayStation controller.
The PS3 would win any comparrison between itself and 360 by any truly unbiased party. There is only one single category that the 360 wins. And that's the Quantity comparrison. It has more game.....congrats on that. 360 has a HUGE library of bad to mediocre games, and very few top quality titles. PS3 has an admitedly smaller library, but a much higher ratio of top quality games over shovelware. Quality over Quantity. I'm surprised gamers now a days are such strong supporters of a company like M$ who is all about Quantity Over Quality.