I agree with Kid and others that eventually America will fall and another country will rise in it's place. That's the way the world works.
The problem with the US is that the government seems to think it has a divine right to own and control the world. At least, that's what it seems to me. America bomb countries that have resources they want (Iraq, probably Iran), and in true hypercritical fashion then declare to North Korea that they should not create nuclear weapons or the US will basically take action against them.
The US has tonnes of nuclear weapons! As soon as they get rid of theirs they can tell everyone else to do the same... like that's going to happen. In terms of WWII I cannot forgive the US for dropping two bombs on the Japanese. I know that a lot of innocent people died in Pearl Harbour, but sending two bombs was extreme.
I would like to emphasise that I think that most American people are great, however some parts of the American culture and legacy leave a lot to be desired.
With regards to history teaching, as this seems to be a slight issue and I went through this section of school five years back, kids at English schools have to study World War II and the role of various countries. The countries are considered in a non-bias way: we know that the US came and basically rescued us at the end of the war, however also that there was some ill-feeling that they didn't come and help before hand and ease the bloodshed. We are taught that Hitlter has a particularly morbid vision for the world which lead to him the holocaust. We have to watch videos of it to reinforce that this is humans at their worst.
However, we don't have to raise the English flag every morning ;) (ok cheap pop, don't take it too seriously).
the funny thing about pearl harbour is that alot was out on some training or what it now was, and not that many was killed. usa responded to the japanese attack by KILLING thousands of civilians in japan, which i think is one of the greatest crimes in history.
and yes, usa is hypocrits. they tell everybody else not to have nuclear weapons while they still build i dont know how many theirself. why? get rid of your own first, and THEN demand the other countries to do the same. moron bush!
the funny thing about pearl harbour is that alot was out on some training or what it now was, and not that many was killed. usa responded to the japanese attack by KILLING thousands of civilians in japan, which i think is one of the greatest crimes in history.
absolutely. the US were trying to provoke japan for ages, they needed a big attack to justify joining ww2 to the US public. actually it was well know to the Japanese that the US publicly claimed that it could launch an attack on Japan from it's Hawaiian and Phillipine bases to wipe out thousands of Japanaese "with firebombing attacks on the teeming bamboo antheaps" (-US Airforce General Shinow [that's probably spelt wrong])
that's more of a justification for a pre-emptive strike then fake wmds were.
The problem with the US is that the government seems to think it has a divine right to own and control the world. At least, that's what it seems to me. America bomb countries that have resources they want (Iraq, probably Iran), and in true hypercritical fashion then declare to North Korea that they should not create nuclear weapons or the US will basically take action against them.
Well, being, militarily, the most powerful nation on Earth, they can pretty much do what they want. But attacking N Korea I dont think they will do, as N Korea have nukes, and they will defend themselves. Iraq on the otherhand, was defenceless, after the 1st gulf war and 10 years of the most barbaric sanctions, which had no effect on Saddam, only on his people. Half a million children dead, god bless America!!
Did someone mention that the DS is selling well in Japan? Nice one Nintendo!!!!
Thank you SilverDogg. That's all I was trying to say to the guy and he comes up with this crap about defending his country whenit was he who first mentioned it with a "so sue me" rant. Neo you are contradicting yourself man.
i dont really know everything you have been discussing here but yea, sure.. or something ;P.
just for the record, i dont have anything against patriotic people, as long as they dont go to the extreme. i myself dont really like sweden because everybody is to much of an ego. and i really really HATE when ppl say "so why arent you moving out?". its the most f**king stupid question those morons can ask.
Indeed quite off-topic all this ranting but it's fun (for a historian like me). About Pearl Harbour, the reason why the Japanese attacked was to negotiate a treaty (don't know what kind) so that the US would recognize japanese presence in Asia. But the americans just took a very stubborn pose and never wanted to talk (because congress needed a reason to get in the war).
And the more historians research the 2 nukes on Japan ,the more the conclusion pops up that it was completly useless. According to some records weeks before the nukes were dropped Japan contacted Russia about a possible surrender to the Aliies. The Japanese war economy was completly crippled and a sea-to-land invasion wouldn't have caused many casualties on both sides.
Now if you look at the international economy you notice 3 large powers: USA, European Union and China. now the problem with USA is that it is a importbased economy which means outside countries are artifically keeping the american economy running. If one country starts demanding their loaned money back from the americans the whole american economy is going to implode like crazy. It's ticking time-bomb.
Cina has the problem of being a export-based economy which means it could get in the same scenario as Japan is now. once the export starts to tumble so does the whole economy.
Europe has a very dynamic economy, its import is always just lower then it's export which means the European internal market is is very healthy, heck, if you put all the money on al the saving accounts of all the families togheter you got figures that are 3-4 times higher then National product of the Union. So if the European export tumbles it still has a strong internal market to fall back on, if it's import it has semi self-sufficient internal economy to fall back on (plus the financial basis to come up with some inventive alternatives).
Economical speaking Europe is the biggest of the 3 powers (the US lost almost every trade-war with the European Union) and with the upcoming European constitution (unheard of in world history) that power will slowly translate in a stronger political voice.
And why should Europeans envy American freedom? I don't know we're probably the only continent that stil has complete freedom of press and speech and we don't possess lists with names on them who are potential troublemakers (these lists do exist and most of the time based on small one-time incidents, you should know how many European jounalists are on these lists, it's mind troubling).
Again if George Bush was president of France and he screwed up like he did in the US he wouldn't have a head for about 2-3 years i geuss.
this is why i love spong... there are actually peopel worth talkign to! you wont find this kinds of convo on ign :)
i think patriotism is terrible... people are people... the geographical location i was born in does not make this particular country any better than any other.
it also saddens me to think that neo was actually voting on my side last time... how lost must the republicans be... my brother is actually supposedly a libertarian but voted for GW over kerry... cause the republicans are for smaller government... like the department of faith bassed initiatives *Shudder* makes me sick.
... i dont understand how peopel grow up to be such thoughtless ass holes... didnt they grow up watchign the same moraly charged tv shows that i did? sesame street... mr rogers.... every disney movie... hell even transformers... optimus prime... "till all are one"... and still we churn out assholes... now kids are goign straight from pokemon to GTA, the next generation is really going to be a mess...we shoudl all listen to what rod todd says... "be excellent to each other" ___________