DS Selling Strongly In Japan

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Topic started: Fri, 8 Apr 2005 12:37
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Joined 31 Mar 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 21:27
imnotregret wrote:
neocarrillo... i think you rock!!! *wink, thumbs up*

anyway, i don't particularly think the DS sales is particularly comparable to those of the PSP for two reasons:
1. The DS has been out much longer than the PSP and
2. The DS and PSP arn't supposed to be comparable, it is like comparing the Gameboy's sales to the Playstation's (remember it is the "third tier").

Yeah i don't believe that bullshit either. Am i the only one to think that the touch screen is too far away from your hand to use the thumb strap? it hurts my thumb :o(

Thanks for the support. I rock women hard *wink, thumbs up*. I tried to tell these ds groupies the truth about ds vs psp but they pretend they don't hear me. I don't like to bad mouth people but pilot13 and lupos insipire the worst out of me. ds is not in the same league as the psp, that's like saying the the jet's are better than the patriots.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 21:30
Pilot13 wrote:
I thought you were going? Oh and no I'm not a rich prince. My estate is, well, average at best. Only two fields and a lake. For christs sake my manor only has 10 bed rooms!

So then why you say im going to jail and I live in the ghetto. I live in good neighborhood. I am educated despite what you've read. Anyway I will man up and bury the hatchet if you will?
Joined 19 Apr 2004
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 21:36
WHAT? HE GOT A HATCHET? i didnt get one, uinfair =(
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 21:38
SilverDogg wrote:
WHAT? HE GOT A HATCHET? i didnt get one, uinfair =(

"uinfair" it's unfair bitch. You see you are the reason I keep talking bad. SilverDogg calm down and go to your f**king dogg house.
Joined 19 Apr 2004
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 21:40
haha XD

the reason you are talking bad is probarbly because you are a little brat. a stupid one at that.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 21:44
SilverDogg wrote:
haha XD

the reason you are talking bad is probarbly because you are a little brat. a stupid one at that.

No Dogg your the brat that comes on a game forum to talk s**t.

P.S. What's XD? Is it Xtreme Dick, LOL!!!!
Joined 19 Apr 2004
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 21:46
exactly, because at gameforums you dont talk about games right? you tell everybody else that they are gay, and that kind of stuff. am i right or not? and i havent been calling enough ppl gay (and you are number one at doing it, still the king) so i guess im at the wrong place. damn =(
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 21:50
SilverDogg wrote:
exactly, because at gameforums you dont talk about games right? you tell everybody else that they are gay, and that kind of stuff. am i right or not? and i havent been calling enough ppl gay (and you are number one at doing it, still the king) so i guess im at the wrong place. damn =(

Your the one calling me out.
Joined 2 Feb 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 21:50
Look, neocarillo, lets just shut the f**k up and bury the, erm ratchett. Fanboysim is gay, and I try very hard not to be a fanboy, except when defending a superior piece of technology from the uneducated and large Playstation fanboy masses. I see you didn't get the ghetto joke, or took it too literally. See here in UK we have a criminal under class called 'Chavs' that buy Playstations and pretend they live in the roughest estates and ghettos, listen to gangsta rap, wear burberry and are generally violent obnoxious pricks. For instance I was assaulted by one just yesterday at my place of work. Look I even went to the trouble of looking them up on Wikikpedia for you! (The author's an unintentional comic genius). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chavs

Now, lets just shut up and admit the Atari Jaguar as the most important and technically superior product ever invented.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 21:55
Pilot13 wrote:
Look, neocarillo, lets just shut the f**k up and bury the, erm ratchett. Fanboysim is gay, and I try very hard not to be a fanboy, except when defending a superior piece of technology from the uneducated and large Playstation fanboy masses. I see you didn't get the ghetto joke, or took it too literally. See here in UK we have a criminal under class called 'Chavs' that buy Playstations and pretend they live in the roughest estates and ghettos, listen to gangsta rap, wear burberry and are generally violent obnoxious pricks. For instance I was assaulted by one just yesterday at my place of work. Look I even went to the trouble of looking them up on Wikikpedia for you! (The author's an unintentional comic genius). ***n00b weblink removed*** />
Now, lets just shut up and admit the Atari Jaguar as the most important and technically superior product ever invented.

I don't know about jaguar but I didn't assault you nor silverdogg so why you hating on me. Yes im a playstation fan and for good reason, I am behind a winner. So you can say all you want about us playstation "fanboy's" but we will always be on top, at least until atari comes out with a new system, right pilot13.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 22:00
Yo im going to look around spong for some new news. If you want to continue this sharade follow the white sony logo.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 22:08
Neo dude, whether you love Sony or not Nintendo are in the record books already. Don't forget that Nintendo have still shift more GBs than Sony can ever hope to PS2. Strange but very true fact, which ever camp you sit in.

Check the facts if you don't believe me.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 22:11
Joji wrote:
Neo dude, whether you love Sony or not Nintendo are in the record books already. Don't forget that Nintendo have still shift more GBs than Sony can ever hope to PS2. Strange but very true fact, which ever camp you sit in.

Check the facts if you don't believe me.

But that's a 100 or less dollar unit. The fact is in console's not portables sony has sold more ps1's and 2's than n64's and gamecube's. Besides gameboy came out in the 1980's, sony came on to the scene in 1994 and dominated. Another fact is the man who created the gameboy was treated like s**t by nintendo, he made nintendo money with all the different version's of gameboy. Just because he made one mistake (the virtual boy) he was treated like s**t and he left the company and later died. Nintendo should worship Gumpei Yokoi.

"Check the facts if you don't believe me"
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 22:31
If you look at the post that I replied to first you didn't differentiate whether you meant home consoles or hand held since you mentioned PS2(home console) and DS(handheld) in you post. If you are gonna beat up on something without a good point to make it's just making you look silly dude.

I own both PS2 and GB, GBA and I'll by buying both DS and PSP. I can see the benefits of both. If all you see is sweet PS2 graphics in your hand then you are forgetting why you are still playing handhelds at all. Fact remains as sweet a handheld as PSP is the DS has the gameplay interface feature that will turn heads. PSP will try to do it with UMD movies and music as an extra but those are two things you can get better elsewhere.

The japanese look like they want something to make them sit up and be interested in gaming again and the DS is doing that for handhelds perhaps in a similar way that Xbox Live has built gaming communities out of people who would otherwise be strangers. If the DS is bringing old gamers back and attarcting new ones then that can only be good for the industry as a whole.

If you don't like the DS jus say so. Despite yours or anyone elses dislikes of its some what N64 graphics it has potential and will change gaming, more so than PSP. You'll see in time whether you like it or not.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 22:48
Joji wrote:
If you look at the post that I replied to first you didn't differentiate whether you meant home consoles or hand held since you mentioned PS2(home console) and DS(handheld) in you post. If you are gonna beat up on something without a good point to make it's just making you look silly dude.

I own both PS2 and GB, GBA and I'll by buying both DS and PSP. I can see the benefits of both. If all you see is sweet PS2 graphics in your hand then you are forgetting why you are still playing handhelds at all. Fact remains as sweet a handheld as PSP is the DS has the gameplay interface feature that will turn heads. PSP will try to do it with UMD movies and music as an extra but those are two things you can get better elsewhere.

The japanese look like they want something to make them sit up and be interested in gaming again and the DS is doing that for handhelds perhaps in a similar way that Xbox Live has built gaming communities out of people who would otherwise be strangers. If the DS is bringing old gamers back and attarcting new ones then that can only be good for the industry as a whole.

If you don't like the DS jus say so. Despite yours or anyone elses dislikes of its some what N64 graphics it has potential and will change gaming, more so than PSP. You'll see in time whether you like it or not.

Time will tell if ds stays alive. But answer me this? why is nintendo making another gameboy this year if they just came out with ds, I'll tell you why they know that the concept of touching screens is going to get really old really fast. You live in the uk I think, so you guys just got them but give it a few months and you will get tired of it like the usa has.
Trust me psp may not be revolutionary in gameplay interface but what console is. When you play xbox, ps2 and gamecube what do you have, a controler, a console and a tv right, well psp is the same thing and people will never get tired of the old fashion button mashing. Touching is good but only if the games are good to touch. Right now mario 64 ds and warioware touch are looking really old. The only game coming out on ds worth mentioning is metroid prime hunters.
Even japan got tired of ds and psp was out selling it every month until nintendo desided to make color version's of the unit. Mind you the sale increase is temporary and will go back to normal within a few weeks.
In the end we will see 3 units nintendo ds, the new gameboy and psp. Will people fork over 100 or more for another nintendo handheld in such a short amount of time or will they jump on a handheld that isn't competing with itself the psp.

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