wasn't a joke, wasn't meant to be funny, s'truth. This is where I completely ignore you becasue you've proven yourself to be utterly beneath my notice...
aside:whatever happened to good old neocarillo?
Further edit:Headline:Sony Fanboy chews SPOnG staffers ass, then kisses it
Well im done with a certain piece of garbage on this site (not saying names). On that note I will apologize to "Svend Joscelyne" I found out that this news was also posted on sites such as IGN and GS, meaning this is indeed not the big PS3 announcement, and since Spong.com personally got the news from sony, Im guessing it will be posted here first rather then IGN and GS getting the news first, so I will check back on this site every once in a while to see when the news will be posted.
the big PS3 announcement, and since Spong.com personally got the news from sony, Im guessing it will be posted here first
I don't think we ever said there was an "Big PS3 news", did we? No, what we said was "Interesting PlayStation Announcements Planned" - no mention of PS3.
But, there's a Pink PSP too, now. Another Interesting Playstation Announcement, I think!!!
Well I guess that Picture of the PS3 ment nothing and that this "It would also seem that Sony has seriously taken on board the many criticisms targeted at the company following a poorly received E3 PlayStation 3 showing and done what it does best – gone into lockdown mode whilst its development and marketing teams get on with the serious, hard work of ensuring that both the PS3’s technical offering and the marketing message are both spot on for the looming 17th November launch." didnt mean nothing. But ya the pink PSP is something out of the left field but, what sucks is that it has nothing to do with us over here, its only for the UK for now.
hmmm, maybe these storys do reflect on the PS3 after all, perhaps the real story is that Sony is desperate for positive press as the PS3 is having PR problems and Sony has nothing positive on the PS3 front to give or are holding back intentionally for dramatic effect.
hmmm, maybe these storys do reflect on the PS3 after all, perhaps the real story is that Sony is desperate for positive press as the PS3 is having PR problems and Sony has nothing positive on the PS3 front to give or are holding back intentionally for dramatic effect.
I suspect that you may be right. Public opinion is turning against Sony, at least amongst serious gamers. the happy clappy mainstream still seem stoked about PS3...
One suspects that if Sony had any really big PS3 announcements, they'd have made them as soon as they got the opportunity.
it wouldn't be the worst strategy to hold back on something until closer to the launch, to make best use of the "bump", but at this point I suspect they're still in damage control mode.
One reflects that both of these scenarios involve something beyond journalistic control, and that the Big PlayStation announcements were most likely given by Sony to interested journalists as such...
hmmm, maybe these storys do reflect on the PS3 after all, perhaps the real story is that Sony is desperate for positive press as the PS3 is having PR problems and Sony has nothing positive on the PS3 front to give or are holding back intentionally for dramatic effect.
I suspect that you may be right. Public opinion is turning against Sony, at least amongst serious gamers. the happy clappy mainstream still seem stoked about PS3...
One suspects that if Sony had any really big PS3 announcements, they'd have made them as soon as they got the opportunity.
Theres suppose to be 2 big ones Wednesday and they are keeping the others for TGS. I mean its almost 2 months before PS3 launch, they might as well save the best info for last.
It certainly didn't mean what you think it did, and in view of that, it was possibly not the best picture to illustrate the story. But you must admit, right now, where Sony's concerned, PS3 is the picture everyone expects to accompany Sony news.
But we certainly didn't claim to have PS3 news. Now did we claim to have news that no-one else would have. We just heard something on Friday that we could not reveal until Monday, due to a Sony embargo.
"It would also seem that Sony has seriously taken on board the many criticisms targeted at the company following a ... launch." didnt mean nothing.
I think that, taken in context of the headline, this is also confusing. The story is this... We were at Sony on Thursday of last week, and they let us know that they haven't spent the last three months since E3 doing nothing. They have heard what people said.. and they have been working hard to sort things out for launch - it's good to hear - but until we see evidence of it - it's not much... certainly not enough for its own news story, which is why it was "bundled" in with the announcements story. WHich made you think that the announcement would be about PS3, and lead to you getting upset.
I can see your point - but you if you read the original story carefully - I hope you'll agree, we didn't promise any PS3 announcements...
But ya the pink PSP is something out of the left field but, what sucks is that it has nothing to do with us over here, its only for the UK for now.
That sucks, but we usually get stuff after you... you can bet you guys will get the Pink PSs pretty soon after we do. And if not, there's always eBay ;-)
Theres suppose to be 2 big ones Wednesday and they are keeping the others for TGS. I mean its almost 2 months before PS3 launch, they might as well save the best info for last.
OK. Well we've got people on the ground at the show, and you'll know as soon as we know.
Theres suppose to be 2 big ones Wednesday and they are keeping the others for TGS. I mean its almost 2 months before PS3 launch, they might as well save the best info for last.
Mind you if that was their intention they've played a pretty dangerous game so far - just as most of Sony is riding on the PS3, most of the PS3 is riding on these keynotes to inject some good press into them.
I don't think Sony's E3 showing was that bad, per se - just that Microsoft was well into the swing of things and Nintendo blew both away. When you compare what Sony had and revealed, then it was supremely disappointing. I think Sony expected everyone to keep riding on E3 '05's revelations. If these keynotes don't generate the desired effect (because either way it goes it'll create some excitement) they will have some pretty big mountains to climb...
Theres suppose to be 2 big ones Wednesday and they are keeping the others for TGS. I mean its almost 2 months before PS3 launch, they might as well save the best info for last.
Mind you if that was their intention they've played a pretty dangerous game so far - just as most of Sony is riding on the PS3, most of the PS3 is riding on these keynotes to inject some good press into them.
I don't think Sony's E3 showing was that bad, per se - just that Microsoft was well into the swing of things and Nintendo blew both away. When you compare what Sony had and revealed, then it was supremely disappointing. I think Sony expected everyone to keep riding on E3 '05's revelations. If these keynotes don't generate the desired effect (because either way it goes it'll create some excitement) they will have some pretty big mountains to climb...
I felt E3 06 was ok for them, minus the heart attack I almost had do to the price, I think the whole place got quiet there, but other then that im still buying the system, im already happy for what it can do, now all sony needs to do is lay the bad press to rest and hopefully come strong in TGS.
Well, having spent my first weekend with a 360 and being incredibly underwhelmed by it, I can safely say that I'd much rather have a pink PS2 than a 360.
At least a bright pink console is more forward-thinking than shoving a half-decent PC in a 70s convection heater case, strapping a power supply bigger than most rival consoles to it, and having it fill your screen with half-arsed versions of old games. Christ, in one weekend I went from almost buying one to laughing out loud at the poor attempts at "next gen" graphics.
Still, 360 is a nice filler between now and when the proper next-gen kicks in. My faith in Sony is renewed. 360's such a let-down. A next-gen console for those who don't realise what that term actually means. Thank Christ I kept my money in my pocket this weekend and did not blow it up Bill Gates' arsehole. I'd like now to buy a pink PS2 just to make some kind of creepy console porno where it slips inside Microsoft's machine and slowly screws it. Mmmmm.
aside:whatever happened to good old neocarillo?
Further edit:Headline:Sony Fanboy chews SPOnG staffers ass, then kisses it