Sony Coy on PSP Pricing Shuffle

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Topic started: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 09:00
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Joined 28 Jun 2000
Thu, 17 Aug 2006 07:10
Joji wrote:
Your last point there were the kind of things I was trying to say.

Then just say that. Don't f**kin crucify a machine on a whim. You lost a lost of credibility in this one.

As far as you an I are concerned, the PSP has only one problem. For NO UNDERSTANDABLE REASON, there is a games drought. It should be fixed up in the not-too distant future, but even mooted press releases look shaky. Know why...?

I think it might be as simple as cynical publishers realising they can command better returns on low-dev-cost DS titles. Bot that doesn't reflect on the PSP, just on the tunnel-vision of all third-parties.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 17 Aug 2006 07:18
warbaby wrote:
Man... I cannot believe I actually read all that.

I can't believe we wrote it all ;-)

But power to you for sticking with us!

I'd much rather see... say, a survey of a random sample over a stat sheet.

I think they both have their place... We're in no position to take such a sample because everyone who comes here is so invested intheir platform... it needs to be done outside the door of GamesStation or GAME. Maybe we should give it a go?

I am, I thought the PSP would crush Nintendo utterly, they didn't...

Me too, though I must admit, that was when it looked like PSP was gonna launch against GBA - DS was rushed to counter the threat - but it's a creditable machine - and now the Lite is here - a much more formidable opponent. I know people say real gamers don't care what they are seen with on the bus - but I don't take the bus, and real window lickers don't care that they are seen giving M+S a free squeegying either.

I don't ever listen to weather forcasts, instead I use the handy skill of looking out the window. Fact vs observation.

That's prediction vs observation - not the same thing at all.

In England, saying it's been sunny for five weeks does not imply it will be sunny tomorrow. Saying PSP has outsold DS in the USA for seven months running DOES imply that it will next month. The New Super Mario release then means it doesn't of course - but you get the point!

Joined 14 Oct 1999
Thu, 17 Aug 2006 07:45
TigerUppercut wrote:
As far as you an I are concerned, the PSP has only one problem. For NO UNDERSTANDABLE REASON, there is a games drought.

Well, you could look at the releases lists for the PSP and the DS on this very website!

For the next two months in the UK (where SPOnG has better visibility on releases)

PSP 10
DS 9

Not to far off the mark, especially since we are still in the summer drought of games.

Now how about the total number of games on the platforms? SPOnG has details on the following numbers of games.

PSP 349
DS 286

So a similar number of releases in the immediate future and more games over all in SPOnG (note emphasis, we aren't strong on coverage of the US or JP) all point to a similar vitality in number of games.

It could be argued that the games on the DS are more enjoyable, and I'm sure that for many people this is true, but my personal preference is for games on the PSP. I'm sure I'm not alone in this.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 17 Aug 2006 08:58
DoctorDee wrote:

The only problem with the PSP is that, FOR NO OBVIOUS REASON, nobody is making decent games for it.

Again, this is a common myth, perpetuated by ill-considered forum posts like yours. There are PLENTY of decent (and better) games for it - LocoRoco, Katamari, Liberty City, Tomb Raider: Legend, Lemmings, SIMs, Burnout - just no platform exclusive killers.

And really when you think about it, why would there be?

I dunno, LocoRoco is a platform exclusive (at the mo) and, especially amongst the the blue sky/green field lovers of the Nintendo generation, IMO it's a killer app.

There have been quite a few really enjoyable games for PSP, and even though I don't own one and have only played a handful of titles for the machine, I can instantly think of two early titles that got drew me in; Mercury and Grip Shift. I almost bought one on day one, and again when GTA came out - I just love the "f**k about" factor of GTA's sandbox cities. Indeed, if it weren't for two factors; price and my complete lack of spare time, I'd have one in a heartbeat. Understand that as a gamer I don't find the price prohibitively high, but as a father with other priorites and responsibilities, it is - which also count for the DS.

Last winter I borrowed the office DS and took home a handful of titles to see what this touch screen jiggery pokery was all about. I like racing games for their quick epinephrine fix, so I took NfS Most Wanted and Ride Racer. I also took Super Mario 64 DS and Another Code. Oh, and Nintendogs - my daughter loves it.

Anyway, on a long, tedious driver up to the arse end of Scotland I gave them all a go (I wasn't driving, btw)

NfS Moist Wanked: S**te. Utter, dire uncontrollable s**te. Looks awful, plays awful.
Ridge Racer: A littler easier to control, but uglier than the PS1 version. Hardly the epi fix I was after.
Another code: there might be a game under all thosee pages of tedious text narrative, but I got bored after 15 minutes of paging - not the ideal game for a handheld.
Super Mario: I dunno, maybe it's me, but the controls just weren't right. I gave it 45 minutes, then got shut of it.
Nintendogs: Easily the best of the lot, most probably because it was designed specifically with the format and hardware limitations as a guide. However, I'd played it loads with my kid, so it wasn't going to keep me engaged for more than half and hour (which is really the game's MO)

DS demands software made especially for it - software tweaked to use its control method is invariably unsatisfactory.

PSP can take most PS2/XBox/GameCube games... what company is going to reduce its own opportunity for profit by making a game exclusive to the platform?

I think this is what irks so many DS fanbois - that the pesky PSP plays games using old fashioned buttons and d-pad. It's just so bloody old skool, and damn them for the games that so closely resemble those available on home consoles, with their disposable gameplay and flashy graphics. Games on the DS would never do the former and could never do the latter. Damn them! DAMN THEM!

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