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Topic started: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 10:01
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Joined 24 Jan 2004
Sun, 20 Aug 2006 10:15
PreciousRoi wrote:
Shut your gob, you ignorant little s**t licker. Talk all the smack you want about England, you leave Ireland the hell alone.

Dude. Why?

Why is it OK to s**tcan one country but not another? Is it because your great great great granpoppy came from Ireland, and your dad's a cop, and you're a little bit ginger, and you celebrate each St Paddy's day?

Have you ever been to Ireland? What do you know about Ireland that no-one else does?

Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sun, 20 Aug 2006 10:23
Adam M wrote:
The Tyrion did reveal the home country of Wiiwii and state that it was his home country in a later post.

How is that relevant? Ozfungi accused me of revealing his home country. I didn't do that. I mentioned his home country - but did not allude to it being in any way related to him.

I think you guys need to have a serious think about how you handle your community here, because this is really concerning for me.

Well, many forums show where users are located, often more specifically than just country. So I think you are over-reacting a little there.

Joined 9 Nov 2005
Sun, 20 Aug 2006 10:23
Well, that was a whole waste-of-time/piece-of-s**t discussion, wasn't it!

Anyway, I think that the controller adding to the price is a valid point.

I think that because ATI own ArtX, it therefore IS ATI, whether or not it's R500 or any of that. Nintendo might own some of the designs, I don't know - but if none of it was ATI, why would they even bother having ATI produce the chip? And if ATI don't use ArtX's technology, then I don't know why else they would have bought them.

Another thing - consoles(products) that haven't been released yet should be allowed to be speculated about - that is the point in the discussion at all, I think. They are not finalised, so facts are not really facts until then - in my opinion - so "lack of facts" is invalid.

Being a fan of a company is bloody-well allowed in my opinion - the company "created" that fan by their own actions, therefore deserve the fan. The fact that they would have corrupted views is common sense, therefore trivial and not (worth) an argument.

Making fun of countries is not only acceptable, but also inevitable, in my opinion. The fact that countries exist is what causes it - differences are inherent between countries, and human nature causes the differences to be recognised. Not saying Ireland is gay, but seriously - is that really an insult? The other half of my view there is that it is not a personal insult - taking offence is, in some ways, implying that (a) you can't take a joke, and (b) neither can the rest of your country - which isn't as favourable in terms of the view you give about yourself and the view you give about your country. And don't have a go at me now, because I haven't said anything bad about any individual country.

I forgot what I was going to say lastly, so instead I'll say: I hope that if the Wii is more expensive in the UK (where I live), then I hope it is region free.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Sun, 20 Aug 2006 10:32
I don't mean to hijack this thread, but...

DoctorDee wrote:

Well, many forums show where users are located, often more specifically than just country. So I think you are over-reacting a little there.

Yeah, but the users volunteer this information to be shown publically. If you have the long-awaited profiles showing these details publically with a note when you register that they will be shown publically then there wouldn't be a problem.

But in this instance the SPOnG mods are in possession of information that isn't in the public domain, and that users haven't approved to be in the public domain. The SPOnG mods then go on and use this information in an argument as a way of intimidating and provoking the other user - abusing the infomation that is in their possession.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sun, 20 Aug 2006 10:33
realvictory wrote:
Making fun of countries is not only acceptable, but also inevitable, in my opinion. The fact that countries exist is what causes it - differences are inherent between countries, and human nature causes the differences to be recognised. Not saying Ireland is gay, but seriously - is that really an insult?

Hmmm, you're replying to me, but not to points that I made.

The other half of my view there is that it is not a personal insult - taking offence is, in some ways, implying that (a) you can't take a joke, and (b) neither can the rest of your country - which isn't as favourable in terms of the view you give about yourself and the view you give about your country.

Hmmm, again, you're not replying to points I made. I have not made any comments at all on the person who called Ireland gay. Making fun of countries is fairly harmless, and I agree with you that it's inevitable. We rejoice in, what Freud called "The Narcisism of small differences".

And don't have a go at me now, because I haven't said anything bad about any individual country.

Again, I think you're confusing me with someone else. All I've said in this debate is that I didn't reveal Ozfunghi's location, and that I don't think revealing somone's location is an issue.

in the UK (where I live)

And clearly, neither do you ;-)

Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sun, 20 Aug 2006 11:20
Adam M wrote:
as a way of intimidating and provoking the other user - abusing the infomation that is in their possession.

I do not believe that is how the information is, or has been, used. Admitedly, you may be far more easily intimidated than me. But all we really know about anyone here is their email address. We don't know their real names, of if they really come from the countries they claim to.

If a person from Cyprus is calling Ireland "small" then where they come from is material. Ireland is not small when compared to Cyprus.

I do not believe that Tyrion should have done what he did, which is why I stopped short of doing it to Ozfunghi. But on many fora, location is displayed when other (personally identifiable) data are not. And certainly, if we ever do get around to user profiles, it will probably be.

Though, discussion of this should probably be taken tot he "Forums" forum.

We're supposed to be discussing the price of Wii here. Though there are no real suurprises on that front. Everyone knew it would be much less than 360 and PS3, and everyone expected it would be more in the UK than in the US and Japan.
Joined 18 Oct 2004
Sun, 20 Aug 2006 11:27
Wrong again Dee:

In SPONG'S OWN fill-out form:

Personal data includes "country", private data includes "showing personal data" as a checkbox. I did NOT check this -and i doubt willwill did-, and you alluded very clearly that i was from Belgium. Anybody following the post would have known you were talking about me. Revealing ANY personal info, in ANY way, is ILLEGAL.

And the point of that topic, which i remember rather clearly, is that you failed to aknowledge the fact that you were wrong about DS software sales, because you failed to understand that a tendens in the UK isn't necessarilly one in the rest of the west. Your claim was, that DS games sold better in Japan, but not in the west ("just look at the UK"), and by concidence, you couldn't show sales figures of US (you didn't have acces to them, LOL) or the rest of EU... at that time i showed you weekly posted gamesales of the US by gamespot (insider inforation of course, lol), of the past 2 weeks, where there were 1 or NO PSP games, and 3 or 4 DS games, including the top spots. You also failed to show proof that PSP is not being sold at a loss anymore even after pricecuts, which fired up the entire discussion. Even claiming that I should provide that it still did... while usually, it's the one refuting the last known facts, that should do the "proving", and that was that PSP is sold at a loss.

So yeah; i'm sure you'd argue it's very "subjective".
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sun, 20 Aug 2006 11:33
ozfunghi wrote:
Anybody following the post would have known you were talking about me.

I doubt that, I don't think anyone else would have thought about it for a second. They didn't know you were in Belgium until you revealed it.

Revealing ANY personal info, in ANY way, is ILLEGAL.

If you believe that. Sue me!

Your claimed location, and age are already in the public domain since you use the same userID on several fora. Though, you also claim to be from "Western Samoa" in some places.

ozfunghi wrote:
Your claim was, that DS games sold better in Japan, but not in the west ("just look at the UK"), and by concidence, you couldn't show sales figures of US (you didn't have access to them, LOL) or the rest of EU...

Something I stand by, and which I know for a fact to be true in the UK. But of course, you wrote the UK off as being an insignificant market.

You don't have sales figures for the US, merely chart positions, which of course are not privilege information. We have access to UK sales figures - but they are commercially sensitive data. You can mock that all you like, but it remains true.

You also failed to show proof that PSP is not being sold at a loss anymore even after pricecuts, which fired up the entire discussion.

You failed to prove that it is. You refer to "last know facts". But you cannot refute that Sony is now enjoying lower production costs than when the machine was first put on sale.

Joined 18 Oct 2004
Sun, 20 Aug 2006 11:47
Of course i can't neither would i want to, since it's true. But the system is now going to be sold at nearly half the price it was at launch, plus, Edge reported Sony losing OVER 200 $ (at one point they had information that the screen alone costed more than PSP's retail price) at launch. So given pricecuts, and the initial loss, again, it wasn't my point to prove. And even if PSP isn't sold at a loss, it won't be sold at much of a profit either. So my intial post still stands, after a year or more losing on hardware, a flopped disc format costing tons on R&D, flopped movies and software moderately adopted by its users, PSP isn't bringing sony a whole lot of money. And of course UK isn't "insignificant"... but, it's clearly a LOT smaller market than the rest of the EU, wich is now gaining on the US, fast.

I don't see how logic and facts make me a crazed Nintendo fanboy. Nor has anyone proven me wrong.

PS: and about the private data, i wouldn't sue, you, i don't care that everyone knows i'm from Belgium, i'm proud of it, except an occasional childmollester in the south of the country (which is not where i'm from), it's one pretty neat country. And i am actually from Leuven, so you probably know the beer we make in Leuven, Stella. Belgium was also the only country giving Sharron some heat about warcrimes, and slowing Bush down invading Iraque. But that doesn't mean you guys have the right to disclose that. Who knows, i could have been from Holland! -grapje lieve keeskopjes ;-)

PPS: Dr Dee, You have your views on the PSP matter, i have mine, we both think we're right, i actually am right... ;-) let's just leave it at that. And to show you my good will, I WON'T SUE!

Nice huh :)
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sun, 20 Aug 2006 12:02
ozfunghi wrote:
Of course i can't neither would i want to, since it's true.

Oh, c'mon. "I can't prove it but I don't want to because it's true." That doesn't do you any justice.

Sony has a track record of being a successful company, despite some high-profile f**k-ups like Betamax. They don't do this by making a huge loss on hardware, and then selling milions of units.

Sure PSP was making a loss at launch - but don't believe everything you read in Edge, despite them trying to give the contrary impression, they have no more information than most other people. While Edge might have paid $200 for an LCD screen, Sony, when buying them hundreds of thousands at a time will have paid a tiny fraction of that price. And LCD costs have plummeted in the last two years.

Sony will by now have cut their production costs so that they are not losing money on a PSP - a DVD recorder can be made, shipped and sold at a profit for £20. While the PSP had much higher R+D costs, and while, I agree, the screen is still likely to be a comparatively expensive component - it production is not considerably more complex, nor more resource hungry than that of a DVD player..

As for UMD being a failed format, you will recall that I agreed with you in terms of it being failed for movies. I also said that I always thought it was doomed in that arena. But as a gaming platform, it has sold tens of millions of units - and was the best option for PSP at time of launch - and remains so.

Of course we know Stella. But it's not Belgium's best beer, is it?
And (if I remember correctly) Thursday nights in Leuven are great nights.
Joined 18 Oct 2004
Sun, 20 Aug 2006 12:11
Something i always felt you misunderstood: my initial post in that topic, and you can check if it's still up and if you like, said PSP didn't make them a LOT of money (yet). I never said sony is losing money on PSP as a whole.

Yet, what you bring to the table, are arguments and assumptions. And while they might be true, so might anybody elses. But like i said, we both have our views. Too bad the previous topic went sour like it did. So let's leave it at that. I respect your opinion, but i don't agree :)

PS: and why would i want to disprove something that is common knowledge, like production costs going down after millions of units...
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sun, 20 Aug 2006 12:23
ozfunghi wrote:
Something i always felt you misunderstood: my initial post in that topic, and you can check if it's still up and if you like, said PSP didn't make them a LOT of money (yet). I never said sony is losing money on PSP as a whole.

No. I was clear on your intial position. But your justification for it seemed to rely heavily on the position that Sony was still losing a significant amount on each unit, and it was that that I was mainly taking issue with.

You yourself acknowledge that production costs have come down significantly, so we may not even disagree at all right now. Of course, any PSP price cut may change things around. But Sony will have done a lot of financial analysis before deciding on any price point. But PSP does seem to have a very high attach rate, and it is selling well everywhere except in Japan, where it's doing OK, but being convincingly outsold by DS. These facts will all have been taken into account.

And past disagreements are no indication that we cannot agree in the future.

I'm quite realistic about what all this is, it's just guys passing time. It's not world politics. I don't hold our difference of opinion against you, Leuven, or Belgium.

Joined 8 Mar 2005
Sun, 20 Aug 2006 14:12
Everybody remember to wipe their ass, because this thread just went down the s**tter.

Wii > This discsussion

Btw, all the more reason to throw in bogus info in your profile. Canada ftw.
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Sun, 20 Aug 2006 14:30
warbaby wrote:
Wii > This discsussion

Dude, are you, like, saying Wii is bigger than this conversation? Or like, something else, or something?
Btw, all the more reason to throw in bogus info in your profile.

Well like. I'm totally sure they already do. I know I sure ain't called Rod. And I'm pretty sure you aren't called Warbaby either.

Canada ftw.

For the Win?
For the weak?
Frightens timorous women?
Floats towards Warsaw?
Fhat the Wuck?

Joined 9 Nov 2005
Sun, 20 Aug 2006 15:35
You're misunderstanding/taking it too personally - it wasn't a direct reply to you personally, it was a reply to the entire conversation. Your post was the last one, so I was continuing from that post, as opposed to you indivdually - every post is a reply, so I can't help it that it was a "reply".

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