I agree with Joji, but that's probably because I'm British.
Just look at the differences in sitcoms: the British have failing working-class people who do the best with what they have, Americans have rich kids with lots of possessions and more money than sense.
As much as I hate to say it, the "American Dream" sounds like a nightmare to me.
i'm american... we are sue crazy... its rediculous... thsi isnt just something being perpitrated by our bitish buddies here... its talked about on our news and made fun of on our television programs... its basically just understood... we sue everyone... and our buddies across the pond will stop what ever they are doing (even sex) when tea time rolls around :P
"oh dear, Regretibly i must stop buttering your biscuits so i can butter my crumpet!"(sp?)
You europeans talk so much about americans but you forget if not for us americans you would be talking german.
another fine moment in american history... its a shame that before the internet we used to be able to claim the likes of thomas jeferson, abe lincoln and martin luther kind and malcom X... now the rest of the world gets to see the truth about the good old USofA... its full of guys like this... there is a reason the smartest people tend to move twords the cost line... we are running away from the likes of him.
and neo, for refference sake, they wherent exactly loosing when we showed up, they probably woudl have won out eventually anyway... in no small part to the russians beating the hell out of the nazis during the failed attempt at invasion... the only thin we coudl claim is that if not for us... there would probabsly be a few hundred thousand less of you... maybe... but considering the masses the russians lost i dont think we are in any position to go bragging. not to mention you dont do fight nazi so you can throw it in other countries faces later on, you do it cause it was the right thing to do, and we shoudl be ashamed it took us so god damned long to chip in... milliosn off peopel systematically killed due to race and religion and we dont do s**t untill the japs came and s**t in out own backyard... "land of the free"... that used to be true... "home of the brave"... not if people like you have anything to say about it. _____________
You europeans talk so much about americans but you forget if not for us americans you would be talking german.
another fine moment in american history... its a shame that before the internet we used to be able to claim the likes of thomas jeferson, abe lincoln and martin luther kind and malcom X... now the rest of the world gets to see the truth about the good old USofA... its full of guys like this... there is a reason the smartest people tend to move twords the cost line... we are running away from the likes of him.
and neo, for refference sake, they wherent exactly loosing when we showed up, they probably woudl have won out eventually anyway... in no small part to the russians beating the hell out of the nazis during the failed attempt at invasion... the only thin we coudl claim is that if not for us... there would probabsly be a few hundred thousand less of you... maybe... but considering the masses the russians lost i dont think we are in any position to go bragging. not to mention you dont do fight nazi so you can throw it in other countries faces later on, you do it cause it was the right thing to do, and we shoudl be ashamed it took us so god damned long to chip in... milliosn off peopel systematically killed due to race and religion and we dont do s**t untill the japs came and s**t in out own backyard... "land of the free"... that used to be true... "home of the brave"... not if people like you have anything to say about it. _____________
As I said before if you read europe history you will see that germany controled all of europe from 1938 till 1943 but if you did not know it also had russia in almost total control and the only country that did not fall was england due to the usa going into war on dec. 7 1941 and before that the usa gave military supplies to almost all of europe. England did not fall because of our help and europe was freed. If not for the usa's help, germany would have beaten england and russia. Russia needed help on the eastern front so germany had to fight in two fronts. Do you understand now?
As I said before if you read europe history you will see that germany controled all of europe from 1938 till 1943 but if you did not know it also had russia in almost total control and the only country that did not fall was england due to the usa going into war on dec. 7 1941 and before that the usa gave military supplies to almost all europe. England did not fall because of our help and europe was freed. If not for the usa's help, germany would have beaten england and russia. Russia needed help on th eastern front so germany had to fight in two fronts. Do you understand now?
so us giving away supplies is good enough then? so me giving a quarte to a homless guy is just as good as peopel who send there evnign sand weekends volunteering in homeless shelters?
and im not saying that it wasnt a tight spot, but all hope wasnt exactly losy at that point either.
and weatehr are nto we where the deciding factor doesnt give your ass the right to make wise ass remarks about something you had no part in... we still shoudl have helped out sooner, if for no other reason than the horrible genocide going on... and the onyl reason we joined the fray is cause we where provoked...
oh sure theres criem in the ghettos... but as long as i live in te suburbs im just fine... it wasnt till some crack head broke into our perverbial suburbian ranch style cookie cutter house and stole our weddings rings that we decided it was somethign worth payign attention to.
go find a priest and ask them if they have ever said "hey buddy, if it wasnt for me you woudl have gotten frost bite and be missin half your toes and fingers by now!" to a homless person.
we dont do good things so we can brag about it and hold it over someone elses head and if you dont understand that then your a sorry excuse for a human being. _____________
My reply to "sorry excuse for a human being". We are today the greatest nation in the world because we value our freedom and cherish our accomplishments. If today 265 million americans left the usa there would be 1 billion people trying to enter the usa to enjoy the american dream. As an american that has served his country for 6 years as a green beret defending my country without a hesitation because of my love for this country. So you should say thank you to many men and women who have protected this country, so you can have your freedom today and tomorrow.
Now i signed up for all the historical bullsh!t there has been spraying around. I'm a student in history and the yanks version of WOII and freedom are well...nationalistic crap.
If someone defeated germany it was Russia, statictics have proven that nine out of ten of all the casualties of Hitler's army died or were captured at the eastern front. Hitler controlling all of Russia...you're kidding right... they like controlled a sixth at most.
The brits also possessed a great number of advantages. One was their still enormous fleet which made a German invansion on the mainland impossible. Two was that the british (in contrary to the many hollywood flicks) cracked the German Enigma code. Three was that the brits used the first version of the radar. In this fashion they were able to repsond very quickly to air raids of the germans. The only thing the yanks did was deliver the plains (or the parts to make them). Also it was the Britisch SAS that made D-day possible and the huge inventivity the british brought to the table to overcome certain obstacles. Example, one of the problems of landing at Normandy is that there was no harbor in the vicinity for unlaoding all the men and equipment. So what did Churchill say: "let's make one on the spot!!"
Also, for mister green baret, if your so valaint defending your country's freedom then get your president apeached. The images of democratic protesters who's way are blocked and they're harmless protestboards, flags and other taken from from them is a shock for Europeans. It's starting to resemble Hitler's reign a tad to much. And yes as a European we have all the right to talk that way, we have dealt allready with it.
Lesson #1 - In reference to your royal airforce, your battle over britain was fought with 50% of air crafts built in the usa and over 25,000 american pilots and mechanics that volunteered to help england due to the usa not being involved in ww2 in the early years.
Lesson #2 - In reference to your royal naval fleet, 60% of your ships were built in the usa and sent with usa escort with also billions of tons of goods from food to medical supplies and oil to keep you english warm while you were being bombed.
Lesson #3 - Invasion of france, I ask you this question? where did the alies get all those ships to bring all those materials for the invasion. I'll answer that question for you, usa provided 70% of all ships for this invasion and more than 60% of all goods because the usa was the only country producing at a full rate due to englands factories being bombed.
Lesson #4 - If your prime minister of 1938 had balls and didn't sign a treaty with germany ww2 would have never happend.
Also to your comment on our president, as england is considered the old world and we are the new world, at least if we elect our officials we can replace our officials, you have a monarky that can never be replaced and does nothing for your country but reflect on it's past history. Remember this, spain and england lost eveything in it's history and till this day have nothing but small countries.
first off... thank you for your service... and go you for makign green beret... that a great acomplishment than anythign i have done in my life.
that said, being a well trained dependable intelligent bass ass mother f**ker... does not entitle you to be a dick... especially to foreighners. One of the biggest problems facign our nation is foreign relations (it all leads back to bush of course but im trying to discuss the particular issue at hand). you my friend have a slightly skewed vew of our position int he world and the previosu actiosn fo our country... which... considerign you are a green beret isnt suprising... my brother is a drill sgt in the army and i can assure you his general attitude about politics has definetly changed since he joined. He is one of the smartest peopel i have ever known, but he is blind to alot of the ugly truths of the world due to the red white and blue colored glasses hes been brainwashed into wearing.
we didnt save the day in WWII we helped... and we had to basically be forced into makign any real effort to help at all.
and are you proud of the iran contras? or the fun goign on at abu gareb? (not to mention all the other prisons around iraq, and who knwos what in afganistan) are you proud of our comander in chief who allows self sacrificing soldiers liek your self to be coutrmartialed and imprisoned becasue they followed orders and then refuses to fire the secretary of defense who was most definitly aware of the prison offense, possibly even before they happened. its all ugly special intrest bull s**t... and now we are trying to give jobs to the lieks of john negroponty? are you kidding me? mass murders dont have any place ina good government... we are a mess right now and patriotic blindness liek what you are expressing is the main part of the problem... you know saddam huessin didnt blow up the trade center right? you know he didnt have any weapons of mass destruction right? you know roughly 2000 american troups have given their lives for a war that was started on a lie (not to mention the coupel hundred thousand dead iraqui's)
also, since your a gammer i assuem you still have both of your arms... nearly a hundred thousand us soldiers have been wounded to the point of being handicapped at this point. and all because, "we are the greatest nation in the world" and we can do what we want to deffend our freedom... like being able to speak freely? you liek that freedom? how about not getting a full body cavity search everytme i get on a plane... how about the fredom to vote and know that your vote will count...
i have no idea what its liek to be a green beret, but i do know what a good person is... and liek a said before, just cause you do somethign good... doesnt give you the right to be a jerk and wave it in someone elses face, you do it cause its the right thing to do.
and since you are a GB... have you ever done anything that maybe you thought you shouldnt do? maybe you thought was wrong but you where order to do it so you did it anyway "with out hesitation"
its been a while since we had one of "these" convos on here... this thread is alread over 100 posts... cant wait to se the total now.
Like what?
I am just defending my country like you would yours.