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Topic started: Fri, 8 Apr 2005 12:37
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Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 19:50
neocarrillo wrote:

Also to your comment on our president, as england is considered the old world and we are the new world, at least if we elect our officials we can replace our officials, you have a monarky that can never be replaced and does nothing for your country but reflect on it's past history. Remember this, spain and england lost eveything in it's history and till this day have nothing but small countries.

im no history buff so i will leave that to the more informed... but our president didnt win in 2000 and shouldnt have been allowed to run a second time... and its debatable as to weatehr or not he won in 2004, i woudl preffer to think he lost and it was stolen cause i really hate to believe there are that many stupid people... of course with the current state of our education system it wouldn't suprise me.

the new york time reported liek 2 days after 9/11 when the whole country was complelty distracted... that no matter of the votes where counted gore won florida, and most of the counting options lead to him winnign buy a decent margin... now again in 2004 florida is in contention and so is ohio... the most special state in the country... a state so special that the building the votes from a large chucnk of cincinati where biung counted in was put on red alert... a red alert that was supposedily issued by phone from the cia... amazingly that red alert made it so no news people or counting monitors where aloud in the building "for their own safety" of course!

we have a republican house and senate and president and majority int he supreme court... our vice president used to work for defense contractos... condeliza(sp?) has a freackin exon oil tanker named after her, the secretary of defense was an old buddy of GWB's dad and fellow corporate hack... we practically live in a f**king fascist nation and you dont even know it.

Joined 29 Nov 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 19:52
neocarrillo wrote:
Remember this, spain and england lost eveything in it's history and till this day have nothing but small countries.

Not sure about the syntax of this sentence, but I get your point. And my response to this is... perhaps that's why it's called "history"; nothing lasts forever. Civilisations that pioneer and lead the world with arts, science, technology and engineering always peak, then fade.

Just like Greece handing the batton to Rome, the Brits gradually did likewise during the late 19th century with the US.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 19:53
Well I am happy that someone in your family is serving the country that is giving you your freedom. He chooses to that at his own choice, in europe many young adults who are not working or in college must do military service. I would suggest you reevaluate your life and your accomplishments. Our problem is, we as a nation should take care of our problems first and resolve other nation's problems later.
Also as I travel around the world and see different cultures, I cherish everything that I am because of every oppertunity that my country has given me. Most important if you travel in some other country ask them where is the american embassy, it's funny how they all know but they don't know where any other embassies are or their government offices are.
That's the value of the usa. There is no flag that has more pride.
Joined 4 Apr 2005
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 19:54
this is really starting to go too far. are these forums totally unmoderated? for christs sake not only is this conversation totally off topic but it is also full of republican "america is greater than you" bullshit. For f**ks sake neo give it a rest. Just because america is one of the biggest doesn't mean it's the greatest. Wait, i remember hearing the very same thing about school bullies...
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 20:00
I would love to educate you some more but I believe I am wasting my knowledge on you. So have a good day and enjoy the freedom of speech and enjoy the freedom that has been given with great sacrifice so you can enjoy this great nation.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 20:03
i have several family members in the service and my borther is currently set to go to iraq this comming fall... and i tell you what, if i end up without a brother it wont be because he willingly gave his life to a good cause it iwll be because his finacvial situation forced him into a position he saw no other way out of and he made the best of a bad siuation. Also you may see other countries aroudn the world with alot of problems and feel bad for them... i do not... most of those peopel are probably alot more humble and decent people than yourself. I have not had a free ride through life like some people and i think im a better person for it... for example... im not unnecesarily nasty to people whose opinions are different then mine... i dont brag about my good deeds... and i dont blindly follow a leader just cause he waves a particular flag. (or wraps him self in it liek a weasely coward, who deserts is national guard service after our country spent over a million dolars training his bitch ass to be a pilot)

we have one of the weekest currencies now because of our terribel economy... unemplyment rates are insanely high.. wages are down... outsourcign is up... and the lieks of india and china are circleing aroudn our near dead body just waiting for the chance to get any scrap they can untill we have been picked clean of every good thing we ever had... and only then will the nation learn to have the same humility that our english freidns here learned about 200 years ago.

i wish we could be smart enough to learn from others mistakes... but sadly... to error is human
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 20:06
So when are you leaving the country.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 20:06
neocarrillo wrote:
I would love to educate you some more but I believe I am wasting my knowledge on you. So have a good day and enjoy the freedom of speech and enjoy the freedom that has been given with great sacrifice so you can enjoy this great nation.

you go ahead and take your holier than though attitude the hell out of here... you still cant manage to say one worth while thing in refference to the fact that you are a pretentious bragard who showers himself in praise, which complelty be littles any good things you may have done.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 20:09
I just happen to love my country and I am sadden that you want to leave. Take care my friend.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 20:10
neocarrillo wrote:
So when are you leaving the country.

ahh... the o'reily response eh... funny... i dont remebr tons of republicans makign an exodous when President Clinton got a nob job in the oval office.

Im willign to fight for what i believe in, for what i kwno is right... i am an active activist (there has to be a better way of sayign that) and not just during election time but all the time... i dont fight with guns though and i dont cheat... if the democrats win its going to have been an honest victory, anythign less would be a loss in itself. You may becontent to cheat your way to the top but i liek to be abel to sleep at night.

Joined 13 Apr 2005
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 20:16
First off, i'm not british...i'm Belgian (belgian industrials predicted in 1940 that Hitler would lose the war based on production capacity) and my country has been the battlfield of Europe for the bloody last 1200 years.

Now what's with all the writing that makes it look that i denied that the USA didn't supply europe? Oh yes I didn't...
And i wasn't talking about the new ships the USA braught but the british fleet as it still stood before you yanks started to pool in. Hitler knew that a invasion on british soil couldn't been done (because of the huge fleet which didn't possess any USA ships then), air raids where the only option.

And studies have proven that having a royal family instead of a president is actually cheaper (ex-presidents get a lot of hush-hush money) and besides, the royal crowns in europe don't have any real power anymore, it's all ceremonial.
And let's be honest, if Bush was president of France and he ruined the economy, went into war with a bunch of make-up reasons and made it's economy artifically run by other countries money (40% coming from Asian banks for the US) he wouldn't have a head anymore (french have a nasty tradition with bad national leaders and a guilleton).

What i'm poiting at is: a real patriot is also a very critical someone, that man in the white house is supposed to run the country, do a bad job, get your ass kicked (again european history is full of examples), he isn't a untouchable symbol of your country but you make him that way nonetheless. My economics teacher once said "The french and the americans are real patriots, the french though are the only smart patriots."

And if your congress in 1921 decided to join the league of nations, WWII wouldn't have happened, but nooo, it didn't had the brains to be open-minded. Or, there a lot of people and factors to blame WOII on.... a lot. So don't blame it on one little fact that happened.

Oh yes, in my "americans are stupid" rant i only mean the ones that are stupid, not all of them, there are a lot smart people (as seen in the voting results of 2000 and 2004).
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 20:17
I am sadden of your delay in departure in leaving this great nation. If you fly enjoy your coca-cola and if you travel by boat, enjoy the food and have a drink on me.
Joined 4 Apr 2005
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 20:20
your economics teacher is a very smart man.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 20:23
neocarrillo wrote:
I am sadden of your delay in departure in leaving this great nation. If you fly enjoy your coca-cola and if you travel by boat, enjoy the food and have a drink on me.

ill take your inability to form a response as exactly that... you cant defend your stance so you regress to childish tactics... im glad me freedoms are bign defended by such a great thinker. the president isnt automatically a good guy cause he won and you certainly arent automatically a good guy cause you happen to be int he cervice... your still a person who is responsible for your own actions like the rest of the world. I hope for you sake you dont believe in an after life... cause from what i have read, the god lord doesnt particularly care for patriotism.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 20:26
First off, mister belgium. I belive you said your economics teacher said "the french are the smarter patriots". If you look at their history, how smart were they. Our president makes $400,000 a year, while the english queen takes in more then 10 million pounds per year for doing nothing. I think the english people would love to have some more money from their taxes.
Also change your economics teacher for giving you bad advice.

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