Topic started: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 16:51
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Wed, 17 Feb 2010 16:51
Either Nintendo are to be given credit for being ahead of the pack on this and Sony and MS are just headed along the same inevitable evolutionary path or its all just faddish gimmickery and Sony and MS are biting Ninty's style...

Will we be having the same discussion about Nintendo when they come out with the Poo? (HD Wii, or Wii Number Two...geddit, Number Two?) "Oh Noes, Nintendo are copying MS and Sony by coming out with a console that supports HD!"
Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:54
how is it possible to say "they are jumping on the bandwagon of HD?" HD is a technological evolution. Motion control is a creative choice. HD doesn't enhance your gameplay. only the resolution of your visuals. (and not necessarily the quality)
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Mon, 22 Feb 2010 01:02
Thats a rather arbitrary distinction isn't it?

I'd say you're wrong on all counts. Motion control is, in fact, a technological evolution and is every bit dependent upon its implementation as HD, High Definition display technology does enhance gameplay (the amount of information that can be communicated to a player using HD displays vs. SD is far greater) and definitely qualifies as a "bandwagon". I'd say leaving out the HD with the Wii was a "creative choice", wouldn't you? That would make its inclusion a "creative choice" by clear implication, or else it wasn't any kind of choice at all....but you are right, I wouldn't say Nintendo is jumping on the HD bandwagon when they come out with their HD console...jumping implies fast movement, and they can hardly be accused of anything of the kind.
Mon, 22 Feb 2010 05:27
My vision for the future of gaming didn't include motion controls being in it. I envisioned a future where you use your thoughts to control your actions within the virtual world. Nintendo was facing near-extinction, and instead of making themselves into a better video game company, they sold their souls to the devil by making a console that appeals to the casual crowd. Let's be honest, these casual players don't actually care about the actual games they're playing. All they care about is what they're doing with their physical body. Why do you think they got into gaming when Wii came out? It's not like the game Wii Sports had anything new in it to attract them.

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