How many of you have heard the term “button bashing?” Hopefully, many of you will have a pleasant grin on your face. If you haven’t got even the slightest idea what I’m talking about, stop reading. Button bashing techniques were used solely for the use of athletics games during the days of early arcades. As time progressed, players discovered alternative methods of hitting the buttons at a quicker rate; pillowcases, towels, basically anything that would allow your fingers to run over a button more smoothly. Even to this day nothing has changed.
Now you can put your button bashing skills to the test in the official game of the Sydney 2000 Olympics on Dreamcast. Sydney 2000 has many of the available track and field events, but also some of the less publicised competitions, such as diving and weightlifting. Each event has it’s own individual control techniques. Some events require high levels of button bashing; others need great attention and precision timing. Unfortunately controls are not entirely customisable, forcing you to adopt a certain technique.
The Dreamcast version is quite clearly the best looking of the series to date, with some truly sharp visuals and a 60Hz option for those of you who have decent TV sets. While Sydney 2000 is not the ultimate in athletics games, it is fun to play, and it is the official game of the Sydney 2000 Olympics. These attributes alone will probably ensure the success of this title