Back in the early eighties a little game called Tetris made its first appearance. As it turns out, the impact of this game was to be so huge, that almost twenty years later, developers were still trying to top the game’s sheer playability. The latest attempt from Namco is Mr Driller.
As a puzzle title, you would naturally expect Mr Driller to be simple, and it is just that. There is only one button to get to grips with, so you’ll learn this game in a second. Having said that, Mr Driller is so astonishingly addictive that you’ll be playing for hours at a time. The idea of the game is to dig as deep as you can. The longer you spend digging, the less air you will have to breathe. Therefore, it’s up to you to collect any air capsules there are on your way down in order to stay alive. Should you reach the bottom, you have won the game. There are three modes of play to choose from, including arcade, time trial and survival. Each mode is almost identical to the next, yet subtly different and unique enough to justify its presence.
Once you get to grips with the concept of the game (which will take around one minute), you will be playing this for along time to come, such is the ‘one more go’ factor.