Sea Bandit - Atari 400/800/XL/XE

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Sea Bandit (Atari 400/800/XL/XE)
Viewed: 2D Static screen Genre:
Media: Cassette Arcade origin:No
Publishers: Gentry (US)
Released: 1983 (US)
Unknown (GB)


Challenge the mysterious forces of the vast, dark ocean as you search for and capture glittering lost treasures. As you race against time in your treasure hunt, you must protect your treasure probe from the lurking danger below, the concealed mines which are launched from the ocean floor. While you probe the ocean depths in your quest, you'll want to activate your mine sweep to capture the mines and gain more time.

You'll need quick thinking and sharp reflexes to carry out this mission! After progressing to higher levels of challenge your reflex and strategic skills will be put to the ultimate test! You'll need more than time on your side!


Lead Programmer