Swarm is a fast-paced, intense game of destruction that immerses you in the world of futuristic corporate servitude. Your name is Rawl Masteson, and your choice was simple...death or indentured service to society.
VERY playable with the mouse or a joystick.
Native Windows application utilizing Microsoft's Direct X™ Technology.
Real time anti-aliasing smoothes edges across background images dramatically increasing the detail in the art.
Voice overs throughout the game help you along and build the background story.
High-resolution (800 X 600) fully rendered color graphics.
Translucent colors soften special effects like explosions and laser blasts.
Over 100 separate, tailor-made levels provide hours and hours of play.
Over 100 different, custom-made levels that increase the action as you advance.
Swarmer Missiles, Electro-Mines, and more - including a "Star Clubber" ball-and-chain attachment you HAVE to see!!
The enemies have personalities - Mean ones - Trust me...you'll want to kill 'em.
There's also 4 skill levels to choose from: Easy, Normal, Hard, and INSANE !!