Pac-Pix - DS/DSi

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Viewed: 2D Static screen Genre:
Puzzle: Maze
Media: Cartridge Arcade origin:No
Developer: Namco Soft. Co.: Namco
Publishers: Namco (JP/US/GB)
Released: 2005 (JP)
Apr 2005 (US)
20 May 2005 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 3+, ESRB Everyone


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The vast wealth of gaming opportunities opened up by Nintendo’s genius new game system and other stuff the DS can do is just beginning to become clear. Nintendo’s own Yoshi’s Touch and Go explored the possibilities of drawing objects that then become part of the gameworld. Now Namco is at it too, inspired perhaps by the fact that their most famous character is incredibly easy to draw – Pac-Man of course, now starring in Pac-Pix!

So, to start the game, you must first draw your character. Easy enough, just a circle with a pizza slice taken out of it, and you’re ready to go. Controlling your hero is simple enough too. Draw a wall in front of Pac-Man and he’ll change direction. Tap him and he’ll stop. Move him around to munch the ghosts. When the Ghost Boss turns up and looks like more than your chap can handle, simply draw a bigger Pac-Man! It gets even better than this, though. Later in the game, you can draw arrows with your stylus and shoot them at your enemies. Progress further still, and you can draw bombs to blow them sky high. In a stroke of utter genius, you can adjust the time it takes for the bomb to blow, simply by drawing a longer fuse.

It’s early days, and already some very interesting DS titles are coming out of the woodwork. Believe us, this is just the tip of the iceberg.