Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood - PS2

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Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood (PS2)
Also for: PC, Xbox
Viewed: 3D First-person Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Gearbox Soft. Co.: Ubisoft
Publishers: Ubisoft (GB)
Released: 28 Oct 2005 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 16+
Features: Vibration Function Compatible, Analogue Control Compatible: analogue sticks only
Accessories: Memory Card
Connectivity: Network Adaptor (Ethernet) compatible


Brothers in Arms Earned in Blood adds new features and game modes and builds upon the elements that made Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30 a runaway success.

With its unprecedented combination of authenticity, compelling story and squad-based action, the Brothers in Arms series has established itself as a benchmark for military action games, receiving the highest average review scores of any console WWII game to date.