Rune Factory: A Harvest Moon Fantasy - DS/DSi

Also known as: Rune Factory - Shin Bokujou Monogatari', 'Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon

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Rune Factory: A Harvest Moon Fantasy (DS/DSi)
Viewed: 2D Top-down, Multi-way scrolling Genre:
Adventure: Role Playing
Strategy: Management
Media: Cartridge Arcade origin:No
Developer: Marvelous Interactive Soft. Co.: Marvelous Interactive
Publishers: Rising Star (GB)
Natsume (US)
Released: 2007 (JP/US)
13 Feb 2009 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 12+
Accessories: Wireless DS multi-card play


It's time to submerge yourself in a fantasy world with all the fantastic gameplay you know and love from the Harvest Moon series.

Hungry, confused, and all alone, wearing rags and with no clue as to where you are or who you are, a beautiful young woman named Mist takes pity on you, offers you food and water in return for planting crops and clearing fields. You can hardly decline such an offer and so start a new life tilling the soil, growing crops and raising animals. However, the secrets of the nearby caves inhabited by monsters beckon. Can you tame these beasts and unlock the secrets to your own past?

No matter how at home in the fields you might feel, you always felt more comfortable with a sword in your hand, and your gift for combat is exactly what the Mayor of the town can make use of. Tending to the land is very Harvest Moon, and so is the sheep shearing with the DS stylus, but Rune Factory has the added bonus of monster battles! There's a real time Action Battle system for equipping yourself with skills, casting spells, and creating new items, equipment and furniture.

If all it takes to live happily ever after is to care for the animals, grow your own food and slay monsters, all for the love of a pretty lady, then we're all for it!