Girls Life Fashion Addict puts the player in the role of a young glamour and fashion designer looking for the latest trends. Drawing their inspiration from magazines, fashion experts, and customers’ tastes, young girls will have to promote their brands by participating at fashion events, getting stars to wear their fantastic creations and opening fashion boutiques all over the world. Girls will be able to design up to 24 amazing collections, following experts’ advice and looking for clues to anticipate the next season’s trends in order to make their collections unique and original. Opening their boutiques in major fashion cities, selecting models, organizing runway shows and photo shoots will be key elements to secure the success of their collection. Girls will have the opportunity to develop their fashion skills by expressing their creativity and receiving tips on fashion styles from fashion advisers, in addition to sharing their favourite outfits with their friends. The Nintendo DSi version will also give them the possibility to take pictures of real patterns that they will be able to include in their designs.