Dusk Diver, an anime action-game, is based in Taipei's iconic Ximending district and takes the Musou genre to the next level. Additionally, Japanese voice actress Kate Mizukiri of sound studio Kotori Voice Inc. will not only play one of the characters, but also perform the exclusive cooperation song "Sensen Shoujo"!
Dusk Diver is being locally developed in Taiwan and the first game to capture the vibrant and exciting lifestyle of Ximending district, one of the country's most popular tourist locations. The story starts at Exit 6 of the MRT station Ximending, showing a recreation of its streets in a realistic but fantasized world, rendered in beautiful anime style. From there on, players follow ordinary high school student Yang Yumo and experience her fantasy action adventure through Ximending and Youshanding, a mirror world with two faces.
The special collaboration track "Sensen Shoujo", sang by Kate Mizukiri, is about the world as seen through the character's eyes. It is produced by Kotori Voice Inc. and composed by shade, a successful composer for games such as Rance VII - Sengoku Rance and Azur Lane . On top of that, the team cast a very talented selection of Taiwanese and Japanese voice actors to breathe life into the unique characters.