Features// Girl Gamer: Goth Fight

Posted 27 Nov 2007 14:10 by
So, half an hour in and I'm still on the same lame gun, still healing Rawlings every two minutes and getting increasingly frustrated with the massive skips in game-play as I enter new levels. Being thrust into new situations gives me a terrible sense of déjà vu with my black spots at Exit in Serbia (Okay, I am totally lost. It’s my age, I’m sure. Can anybody help? Old Ed.). At least this time I'm not being roused to find all my friends have 'mysterious' bite marks.

Eventually I am allowed to use other guns and powers by possessing my team mates; a nice idea, if only my team weren't such utter wasters. By the time I get to The Path of Souls (still holding reservations about the capitalisation of that 'the') I'm actually quite happy to watch both teams die.

The game gives me all these commands to give, in a joyously Predator style, but then the team members just ignore me! (I'd have a bit more respect for someone I knew could possess me on a whim.) They have less of a sense of discipline than the Red Dwarf Scutters; charging on ahead when I've quite clearly told them to hold their positions; and throwing themselves in front of pillboxes which I'm trying to subtly destroy from behind.

At least by this time another couple of types of monster have appeared. Apart from the flying ones, it's still of a similar disposition to the rest, not particularly interesting, especially after you've seen a real life tree man. If this is the state of the West's occult armed forces it's no wonder the Russians took such a hammering in WW2. Crowley should jolly well pull his finger out and get some chaos magic on the go - evoke some Barry Scott or something, Cilit Bang'd get this place cleaned up in no time. This team are going to really struggle to defeat the forces of fashion, let alone a whole nether world of evil.

On giving up for the evening and settling back to ponder on it I reflect that maybe it's not me that needs psychoanalysing. As well as that dubious front screen, the main arena of warfare is called The Box (note another, I feel, unnecessary capital) which makes me want to pull Clive aside and ask him about his mother. And not just about how he'll feel when I take Mrs Barker out for a nice seafood platter and then never call her again.
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Ben 29 Nov 2007 15:11

Ben 29 Nov 2007 15:12

more comments below our sponsor's message
TimSpong 29 Nov 2007 16:29
Ben wrote:


Hey there,

So, in these links, the people expressing the opinion that NGJ is bad are, well, expressing an opinion. In fact one of the links you've kindly popped in has a writer describing him/herself (ok, it's got to be a 'him') as: "A gaming journalist looking from the inside out, wondering why all the joy has been replaced by b******s..."

He then goes on to knock people talking about themselves?

So, would you like to propose an actual opinion as well as the links? Because the whole holier than thou, mystery-man bullshit is as personality driven as something like Pocket's column. At least Pocket - who writes intelligently and with some wit about what gamers do - isn't worried about actually having a personality.

Don't get me wrong, I like dour, worthy, ingenuously self-effacing post-Marxian kant as much as the next ex-student - but at least have the good grace to explain your reasons for posting those two links.

All the chirpy best, old chum


DoctorDee 29 Nov 2007 17:59
Tim Smith wrote:
but at least have the good grace to explain your reasons for posting those two links.

In fact, why not explain it twice, since you posted them twice?

James 3 Dec 2007 19:46
Games journalism will change, evolve, and generally grow/take side steps as happens with practically any other media. I found the article a great read, witty, informed, and in typical pocket fashion - funny.

I can see why someone wanting old school games journalism wouldn't find this particularly great, but f**k it, there's a life outside of games - and most of the times it's a hell of a lot more interesting.
hollywooda 4 Dec 2007 17:57
Man you guys have all been watching waaaaaaaay too much Zero Punctuation!??...
TimSpong 4 Dec 2007 18:11
hollywooda wrote:
Man you guys have all been watching waaaaaaaay too much Zero Punctuation!??...

I've watched about two of them.

Bear in mind the following:

a) I am English.

c) Zero Punct is English.

b) The entire country has the same sense of humour.

c) This is why we all love Monty-bloody-Python's Flying-bloody-public-school-tedious-pretend surreal-boorish-b******s Circus.

That is all. Cease your internal dialogue.


I love Bill Hicks...

hollywooda 5 Dec 2007 09:55
Zero Punctation is the best thing i've seen about gaming on the internet ever, i laughted soooo hard i fell off my chair!, i've watched most of them at least two times & think this guy is a genius. by the way i too am english, Hollywood is just a nickname i've picked up??......
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