Browse Games


116 titles found in the genre 'Strategy', on Xbox
Title Released Genre Platforms
Hitman: Contracts

2002-2004 Adventure
Strategy: Stealth
Xbox CD
Championship Manager Season 02/03

2002 Strategy: Management
Sport: Football - Soccer
Xbox CD
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

2002-2003 Adventure
Strategy: Stealth
Xbox DVD
LMA Manager 2003

Also known as BDFL Manager 2003, Football Manager 2003, Manager de Liga 2003, Roger Lemerre: La selection des Champions 2003

2002-2002 Strategy: Management
Sport: Football - Soccer
Xbox DVD
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance

Also known as Metal Gear Solid X

2002-2003 Strategy: Stealth
Combat Game
Xbox DVD
Prisoner of War

Also known as P.O.W., POW

2002-2002 Strategy: Combat
Xbox DVD
Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix

2002-2003 Strategy: Combat
Xbox DVD
Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis

Also known as Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis, Operation Flashpoint: Elite

2001-2005 Strategy: Combat
Xbox DVD
The Sims

Also known as Sims, The

2000-2004 Strategy: God game
Xbox DVD
Rollercoaster Tycoon

1999-2003 Strategy: Management
Xbox DVD
Brain Box

Xbox CD
Birmingham City Club Football 2005

-2004 Sport: Football - Soccer
Strategy: Management
Xbox DVD
Liverpool Club Football

-2003 Strategy: Management
Sport: Football - Soccer
Xbox CD
LMA Manager 2005

-2004 Strategy: Management
Sport: Football - Soccer
Xbox CD
LMA Manager 2006

Also known as BDFL Manager 2006, Football Manager Campionato 2006, Manager de Liga 2006, Pro Football Manager 2006

-2005 Sport: Football - Soccer
Strategy: Management
Xbox DVD